Posted on May 10, 2019
Ohio Bill Could Kill Women With Ectopic Pregnancies
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 6
He is a moron. And if the bill passes which I don't believe it will, some woman is going to own part of the state of Ohio.
Let me preface this by sharing that my wife and I lost twins last January to an ectopic pregnancy, and the wound hasn't fully healed, so I may be a bit raw here.
This bill will not pass un-amended. Let's just get that out of the way.
The bill does not prevent this procedure from occurring, it prevents abortions from being a covered expense by health insurance. You can still get the procedure; you will just have to pay for it. A medical need such as this may cause the patient to seek treatment outside of Ohio, or pay a lot of money for it, but she will not die. You know it; I know it.
For what it is worth, the bill if passed will save hundreds, probably thousands of lives of unborn children who are innocent of the decisions made by their parents.
I honestly don't think we should be legislating morality, as politicians are about the most amoral people one could ever find. But mandating health insurance pay for abortions is a pretty recent development, and the scare-mongers conveniently forget that while fighting tooth and nail to not see any gains they've made walked back.
This bill will not pass un-amended. Let's just get that out of the way.
The bill does not prevent this procedure from occurring, it prevents abortions from being a covered expense by health insurance. You can still get the procedure; you will just have to pay for it. A medical need such as this may cause the patient to seek treatment outside of Ohio, or pay a lot of money for it, but she will not die. You know it; I know it.
For what it is worth, the bill if passed will save hundreds, probably thousands of lives of unborn children who are innocent of the decisions made by their parents.
I honestly don't think we should be legislating morality, as politicians are about the most amoral people one could ever find. But mandating health insurance pay for abortions is a pretty recent development, and the scare-mongers conveniently forget that while fighting tooth and nail to not see any gains they've made walked back.
1SG (Join to see)
MSgt David Hoffman - It was a tough one, and still is. Most likely, it means no more children for us, and she is only 32 so that is a big blow on top of the obvious. It darn near killed her, and we are still dealing with the physical damage.
Thank you very much for your prayers and support.
Thank you very much for your prayers and support.
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