Posted on May 7, 2019
Youth Hunting: A Smart Parent’s Guide to Hunting with Kids
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 2
What a fantastic article! I saw a great deal of the topics (and implied behaviors) my own dad covered with me as he brought me up into a 'sportsman's understanding of hunting' as I was growing up in northern Wisconsin. It didn't hurt that he was the range instructor at the local Scout camp during the summers, had me out hunting (accompanying him) from age 5 or 6, and served as the local head of the Wisconsin DNR's Hunter Education program for nearly 50 years. And, for what it's worth, I remember being very impressed by the NRA's support for hunter safety and education programs in those days before it was subsumed by growing political forces rather than standing for Safety, Sportsmanship and Marksmanship.
This is a great article that certainly hits the high points for getting kids into the right mindset and with the right respect for their prey and for their firearm. Thanks for the link!
This is a great article that certainly hits the high points for getting kids into the right mindset and with the right respect for their prey and for their firearm. Thanks for the link!
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