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Responses: 9
Col Joseph Lenertz
Freedom, and free markets, and the unequal nature of the gifts God has given each of us, results inevitably in unequal results. To force equal results, we must shackle the talented and crush intelligence and innovation. We must destroy liberty itself. This is what totalitarianism drives us to. Global warming is alarmism. To control the masses, you must first frighten them with a common enemy. Then, propose that we must ALL DO SOMETHING. NOW. No exceptions. You will all be taxed and watched in new ways, but it is all for the best, you will see, you cretins, you deniers of science.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
Col Joseph Lenertz You seem to be taking those points as axiomatic but US history itself belies them, I don't even have to go to other countries. We had a level of income equality, a strong middle class, affordable health care, affordable colleges. We had policies that made these things possible and we then changed those policies and they went away.

I agree, we are never going to have or achieve 100% income equality. Most people don't want that, I don't want that; there has to be a system of reward. What we do want is policy that gives everyone a reasonable chance at a sufficient piece of the American pie. We had that, we then changed our priorities and policies and now it is gone. We can have it again.
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SSgt Gary Andrews
The pattern is clear.....never happened.....happened but it wasn't me.....happened and it was me but it doesn't matter.....happened and it was me and it matters, so what? Just look at the Stormy Daniels fiasco. Don't know her, until pictures of them together surface. Ok, I know her, but we never had an affair. Then evidence of a payoff surfaced. Ok, a payoff happened, but I didn't know anything about it, check with my attorney. Tape surfaces of him discussing the payoff with his attorney. My attorney is a loser and a liar. Nothing Trump says can be believed.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
And Trump's supporters don't care. Hard to combat apathy.
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
Thanks for the post.
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