Posted on Apr 24, 2019
I am a Snowflake: my journey with Myasthenia Gravis
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 14
COL Mikel J. Burroughs Thank you, I walked many a mile in combat boots. Then I walked more miles in nursing shoes. And then there were the pink boots. The infamous pink boots. And warmer weather is coming. I invite you to walk a few miles in my flip flops.
LTC Stephen C.
C'mon, SSG William Jones, Maj Kim Patterson is USAF! That's probably the way they really they march at all! :)
SSgt Richard Kensinger
And those of us in the medical field (US AF ER medic) can't march for the life of us! At Andrews AFB, we were always banned from these kind of celebrations!
Maj Kim Patterson
SSG William Jones - it's part of a song I heard at the Native American Music Awards October 2018
SPC Margaret Higgins
Maj Kim Patterson - Indeed, Kim: you are an amazing INSPIRATION TO US ALL. WE LOVE YOU/I LOVE YOU, KIM!
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