Posted on Apr 3, 2019
House Judiciary Democrats authorize subpoenas for Mueller report
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 5
And they will probably find a reason for impeachment or imprisonment in every paragraph. I am sick of this ongoing waste of money.
SSG Donald H "Don" Bates
MSgt Steve Sweeney - They want an un-redacted copy of the report. That is dangerous grounds for radicals to have that, I pray they do not get it.
SSG Donald H "Don" Bates
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Frankly, because I do not trust professional politicians with an axe to grind having access to ALL info.
It gives them something to talk about during the Easter Recess, They weren't even going to be in town if the Attorney General released the report tomorrow.
Political theater. Nothing more.
Political theater. Nothing more.
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