Posted on Apr 1, 2019
Army special ops exercise spooks nearby residents, and city officials promise it won’t happen...
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 6
To be fair, This was the middle of the night. Exact details aren't given, but if there is a large loud training exercise going on across the street from where you are trying to sleep, I would not fault you for complaining. There is a reason the training areas on a military base are on the opposite side as housing.
The idea that anyone is trying to make military occupation seem normal is laughable. But noise and light complaints in the middle of the night on a work/school night are completely valid. ESPECIALLY with that short notice given. The short notice is understandable and makes sense in context, but you have to admit it does nothing to help public relations.
The idea that anyone is trying to make military occupation seem normal is laughable. But noise and light complaints in the middle of the night on a work/school night are completely valid. ESPECIALLY with that short notice given. The short notice is understandable and makes sense in context, but you have to admit it does nothing to help public relations.
In our area, they send out notifications via email and text that there is an exercise or significant overflights planned.
Don't complain about spooked civilians.
We need to remember a situation where a military training exercise went wrong from bad relations. Way back in 2002, a county sheriff shot and killed a Special Forces trainee during their Robin Sage qualification exercise. It took years of anguish and legal action before resolution.
We need to remember a situation where a military training exercise went wrong from bad relations. Way back in 2002, a county sheriff shot and killed a Special Forces trainee during their Robin Sage qualification exercise. It took years of anguish and legal action before resolution.

Dead soldier's family settles suit over Robin Sage shooting ::
The family of a Fort Bragg soldier killed more than seven years ago during a training exercise has settled a pending lawsuit against a Moore County deputy.
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