Posted on Mar 23, 2019
India Stops Taking In Venezuelan Oil |
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
LTC (Join to see) Politics is Dynamic ever Changing. During My Time India Led the Non-Aligned Nations and during My Time that Meant they were Socialist, Commies as a Spook they always earned My Respect. Best Understand they are Fair Weather Friends. They will always Play Both Extremes against the Middle. They Play Nationalism for their Benefit. If You think they are otherwise You are in for an Unpleasant Surprise.
LTC (Join to see)
Yes, I read in the Chuck Yeager book that he was assisting the Pakistanis when India was fighting them in the 1970s. We have helped them and now they will build parts of then full F-18s in India. I think we can trust them since we trade so much. I won't totally discount your caution. I just know they are ready to help contain China with their Navy.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC (Join to see) - Just a Matter of Perspective, While I was Monitoring Iran, India was Helping them Rebuild a Russian Kilo Submarine. My Perspective is a Little Different.
LTC (Join to see)
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel chip, that is all well and good and we need to know this. That's why I sent it to you because I know you have a perspective that I don't know. We learn from each other and I do recall India being a non-aligned nation. India and Pakistan both have American and Russian fighter planes as we have seen get shot down in recent weeks. They buy, probably, by who gives them the biggest bribe.
LCpl Scott Morgan
Look at how the crisis with Pakistan is being viewed....The ruling party is really nationalistic right now
Good news, but the alliance of those nations blows with the wind, always has, always will.
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