Posted on Mar 19, 2019
Believe It or Not, Second Amendment Supporters are Winning the Argument
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 1
But seriously, a submachine gun for "hunting"???
I am a gun supporter, but there should be limits!
I am a gun supporter, but there should be limits!
PO2 Robert M.
MSgt David Hoffman As I stated previously, I am for the right to bear arms - however, when the founding fathers drafted our beautiful Constitution and Bill of Rights, the machinations of war were single shot muskets! They were not guns which can shoot so fast, their barrels can melt! While aboard my ship, during "Sea Trials", our Close in Weapon System (CWIS) fired so many rounds the barrels glowed bright red and then disintegrated ( they were testing what it would take to render it useless ).
SPC Gary Welch
Sir I believe that you are a 2nd amendment supporter but I will have to disagree with the second part of your statement I own 4 ar-15s in different calibers one of them I take hog hunting because when a 200-250 lb hog starts charging you you may have to put 4-6 Rds in it to put em down the other three I own I take to the range and deer hunting. I don't own them because they resemble military firearms I own them because they are a versatile and good shooting platform and because I love to shoot them
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