Posted on Mar 15, 2019
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 4
CH (CPT) (Join to see)
Lt Col Charlie Brown,
Really? I am sure several German citizens who were Jewish stated that same sentiment in 1934. New Zealand yesterday? Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh, PA, Charlottesville, VA 2017? Campaign Rally violence and threats throughout 2016? Trump is becoming a loose cannon in many peoples view all across this country. Especially, to those that formerly voted for him in 2016. They have turned away from his mindless rhetoric and have vowed to defeat him at the polls come 2020. That is, if he doesn’t resign from office first. All it takes is one person to believe what Trump states and then act out. The shooter at the Tree of Life Synagogue acted in violence because of the immigration rhetoric spewed by Trump. Trump said, “There are good people on both sides at Charlottesville?” He gave a pass and emboldened the KKK and Nazis to continue their hate.
Really? I am sure several German citizens who were Jewish stated that same sentiment in 1934. New Zealand yesterday? Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh, PA, Charlottesville, VA 2017? Campaign Rally violence and threats throughout 2016? Trump is becoming a loose cannon in many peoples view all across this country. Especially, to those that formerly voted for him in 2016. They have turned away from his mindless rhetoric and have vowed to defeat him at the polls come 2020. That is, if he doesn’t resign from office first. All it takes is one person to believe what Trump states and then act out. The shooter at the Tree of Life Synagogue acted in violence because of the immigration rhetoric spewed by Trump. Trump said, “There are good people on both sides at Charlottesville?” He gave a pass and emboldened the KKK and Nazis to continue their hate.
Maybe he's pointing out their ability to practice restraint vs what the left is unable to do. Granted, he's a bad example of the same restraint...
Many say it’s just Trumps way of talking tough. Germany 1934? Tell that to the memory of the 6 million souls that disappeared off the face of this earth due to rhetoric like this? Tell that to the families who lost loved ones at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA in 2018 due to the rhetoric Trump spewed towards immigration. The shooter believed every word Trump shared and then acted out in violence. Tell that to Charlottesville, VA in 2017 when Trump said, “There are good people on both sides.” Thus, he gave a nod and a wink to those who spew hatred and espouse white power. Trump gave the KKK and Nazis validation to carry on there hatred. Remember the violence and physical threats Trump spewed at several of his campaign events in 2016? Many in this nation are starting to see Trump as a loose cannon and a threat to our Constitution and Democracy. To include in that factor are millions who voted for him in 2016.
CH (CPT) (Join to see)
Many German Citizens that were Jewish who stayed instead of leaving Germany, believed that no harm would come to their families. Many Germans who initially supported the tyrant could not believe what they voted into office after he grabbed power. The Kool-Aid Drinkers took power and led there nation to more misery. Like WWI was not enough. A country that gave the world Bach and Beethoven, Scientist, Mathematicians, Medicine, the Reformation in 1517...followed a tyrant right off a cliff and led a nation into WWII that destroyed there land and people. Are there still foreign troops occupying parts of Germany? Yes. Why? Yes, Germany is our friend and Allie today. In 1941 through 1945 they were not. They were seen as evil. Why? Because they followed to a tee, a tyrant and his hateful rhetoric. The Germans believed every word their fearless leader shared with them. Like, the German press is evil. They need to be arrested. Sound familiar? The German people followed the rhetoric of their insane leader and helped him commit crimes against humanity. Why? Because there fearless leader told them things like, it’s us against them. Sound familiar? Hitler stated to the German people, “The Jews and others are to be blamed for all the negative issues that Germany has experienced.” He blamed everything on those that had no voice. Six Million Jews went to their deaths because of hateful rhetoric. Just like the style and context our guy has spewed in the WH. Shall I go on to compare and contrast?
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