Posted on Feb 24, 2019
Supreme Court: Military retirees can be court-martialed for crimes committed after service
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 18
MAJ James Woods
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth Clearly these two men didn’t understand their retirement status or just didn’t read the fine print when it comes to the amount of time after being honorably discharged, retirement or end of contract, you can be recalled to active duty for anything; to include court martial. One could laugh but there’s nothing funny about their crimes.
1SG David Niles
Then should you not get the same respect and honor as a retired officer since you are technically still in?
CPL Steve Freeman
Maj John Bell good thing about being a traffic light sabatuer is your only tool can be a torch set and if you do get caught you have a fake work order from your local street or highway dept telling you to remove that light. What could possibly go wrong?
CPL Steve Freeman
Maj John Bell I would even go as far as contacting the local relevant LEA to ask for help with traffic control...or an off duty mall cop. Because nothing says "legitimate traffic light maintanance" like an off duty mall security guy standing nearby eating cotton candy.
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