Mission ‘Accomplished’? Trump Boasts of Being Boon for Military

How the New York Times Lies About Lies: Obama v. Trump as Example
Eric ZUESSE: The New York Times’s calculation altogether ignores some of President Obama’s very worst lies — ones that were real whoppers.

Trump and Congress Just Gave the Military a Big Boost
The military can celebrate some great news this weekend.On Friday, President Donald Trump signed the appropriations package that provides funding for the 2019 defense budget, giving the military a much-needed boost.
ALL, repeat ALL Presidents had to a greater or lesser extend strengths and weaknesses that helped and hurt us domestically, internationally and at time culturally with the rhetoric they sometimes help to fan. A Presidents role in complicated going from servicing as a grief counselor to a NCAA National Championship Football team winning coach to a poet to so many other roles.
Our jobs as citizens, if we understand our roles, is simple. Realize we are the "fighter in the ring" at Teddy Roosevelt once remarked and out job is to be prepared to make things happen when and for those who are depending out our leadership daily to accomplish, regarding of the politicians. If we continue in the business of defending or attacking people that don't know o care to know our names, then we waste time tilting a wind mills.
SSgt, I did find your tone with both MSgt Clifford and Col Conway, as least as I read your response condescending! Of course, I am willing admit that I might be reading into the language. We a military men and women cannot forget, or duty is to the nation 320 million + of them, ALL of them. I don't give a damn about the 535 members of the Congress or what Presidents, who come an go have to say. Save, are they making my life then on active duty, or now as a retiree better. If in my perception or my reality hey are not or they are, I praise or comment on those specific areas. I have seen Presidents accomplish both, do good an then turn around and screw the military. So from my point of view I tend to not be drawn in by the rhetoric and just the real facts where the rubber mean the real road - my day to day life.
If that isn’t condescending, I’m not quite sure what is. Additionally, it’s highly irrelevant. I’ll be the first to admit that our previous President wasn’t the greatest. But that wasn’t the topic of the original post. And rather than agreeing, disagreeing or refuting the additional post, Mr. Clifford basically resorted to ‘well the last guy was a clown, so that justifies the current circus’.
SSgt Russell attempted to get back on track with, “Even if we are to look at the article for the bias it is, to overlook how poorly Trump has treated military members is quite the overlook.” And that’s when the “mornonic hypocrite” retorts began.
When reading through multiple RP posts about the current administration, a common theme of defense about the f*ckery is often along the lines of, ‘well the last guy did it’. However, that’s pretty much the opposite of draining the swamp, as was promised. That’s actually more akin to diving into the swamp head first and then doing a leisurely backstroke.
Here’s another interesting perspective that I’d like to read the RP views about. The President basically takes a turd on Mattis. And hey, so did the last guy, right? So the President can’t be wrong. Certainly not criticized.
SSgt Addison R.

Trump insists he fired Mattis, says former defense secretary was ‘not too good' at the job
The comments come just two days after the popular former Marine Corps general was forced out of his Defense Department leadership post.
Bush arrives on carrier for 'end of war' speech
1. Viking aircraft carrying US President George W Bush landing on deck of aircraft carrier U-S-S Abraham Lincoln 2. Various of plane just after landing 3. Cl...