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Responses: 4
CW3 Harvey K.
When I worked in NYC, back in the late 70's, I checked out a Manhattan gun club and range. I learned what the members had to go through with the "Sullivan Law" and how it interpreted "well regulated".
Among the restrictions was that no one was allowed to fire, handle, or so much as touch any gun that wasn't registered to him personally. If your buddy had a new model of target pistol that you were interested in, he couldn't let you shoot it. You could look at it, but that was all.
The next step in stupid laws would have been that no one but the shooter can police his brass. No one can touch an empty cartridge case except the registered owner of that ammunition component.
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
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>1 y
If I'm at the range and someone comes up out of the blue asking to try my gun I'm going to say no. If some one is a couple of lanes down shooting something and express interest in what I have, I'll let them try a couple shots.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Oh dear Lord. Insanity. I just put in for a 5 year NRA membership
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
>1 y
I converted my 5 year to Life Member, Colonel. They had a good deal, where it's $25 down and $25 either per month or per quarter. That average of ~$8/month on a QUARTERly basis doesn't hurt a bit.
I don't know if they still offer that deal, but they might.
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SMSgt Thor Merich
Good luck with that Nancy.
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