Posted on Dec 21, 2018
Defense Secretary James Mattis' resignation letter
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 10
I respectfully disagree.
General Mattis was clear in his resignation letter. This is no feint, it is a rebuke of a President who is a narcissistic fool, and truly believes he knows better than the entire intelligence and defense communities of this Nation.
Whether General Mattis is more a globalist depends on which definition you refer to. General Mattis is definitely not an Isolationist, which Trump appears to be pushing us towards. That is a failed policy.
Considering the threat of Putin, a nice guy, and Kim, another nice guy, at least according to Trump, maybe he believes there is no longer a need to remain engaged in the world and to maintain alliances. He has maligned our allies, and praised our enemies. He is giving them comfort, and aiding their efforts to destabilize this Nation and the world with the removal of sanctions against Russians, and the withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan.
General Mattis was clear in his resignation letter. This is no feint, it is a rebuke of a President who is a narcissistic fool, and truly believes he knows better than the entire intelligence and defense communities of this Nation.
Whether General Mattis is more a globalist depends on which definition you refer to. General Mattis is definitely not an Isolationist, which Trump appears to be pushing us towards. That is a failed policy.
Considering the threat of Putin, a nice guy, and Kim, another nice guy, at least according to Trump, maybe he believes there is no longer a need to remain engaged in the world and to maintain alliances. He has maligned our allies, and praised our enemies. He is giving them comfort, and aiding their efforts to destabilize this Nation and the world with the removal of sanctions against Russians, and the withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan.
SPC Anthony Schepis
1SG (Join to see) Obviously you’re unaware of the reason why we’re in Afghanistan and Syria. You can’t even give a good explanation why we’re there. History proves making alliances with countries that drag us into wars was never worth the sacrifice of American lives.
SPC Robert Conway
SPC Anthony Schepis Well done, way to completely miss the point and drape yourself in a martyr's shroud as well.
When we make alliegances we have to respect them. Leaving the Kurds to be slaughtered by Alasad isn't in anyone's interest.
When we make alliegances we have to respect them. Leaving the Kurds to be slaughtered by Alasad isn't in anyone's interest.
SPC Anthony Schepis
SPC Robert Conway What are you talking about we already helped the Kurds when they got gassed by Saddam! We owe them nothing and Assad never slaughtered the Kurds nor plans to. Goes to show how retarded and unaware you are of the situation out there.
1SG (Join to see)
SPC Anthony Schepis the only thing obvious is your inability to accept a different opinion. I know why we are in Afghanistan, I was serving in Germany and watched the second plane hit the twin towers live. I k ow why were in Syria, but there isn't room here, nor a need to explain it to you. You have a different opinion and I accept that, but you lack the maturity to accept a differing opinion, quite frankly.
So, go ahead and give this one a thumbs down, too, as if it would make me GAF.
So, go ahead and give this one a thumbs down, too, as if it would make me GAF.
Excellent, well thought out post, mine was more of a historical analysis opinion, yours, on point.
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