There is a military legal system. It's not based upon "were you treated nicely", "can I change the news cycle", "or is it fair to all regardless of rank(we all know it's not). But we have the UCMJ and any president meddling in it is bad business for the commanders and convening authorities. That simple statement just put a target on the judge and GO's back depending on how the evidence goes, and depending on the ruling, that simple statement could be the grounds of this former Soldier coming back into service, or suing the government making a killing again, but with dollars. It would also cost the judge his career no matter what because someone will think the fix was in either way. The former Soldier got a general discharge. That is not something hard to get, but it would make the average person question his motives when you were given multiple high grade awards for valor. He's not a punk per se. There's something in his ORB that got him that general discharge, and I'm curious to know what it was, and how it came to be. I'm not privy to it, and really have no need to know. All I've read on this has been superficial spins depending on slants both political and military. It's almost like any SOF member is akin to flag officers and can do no wrong, even when it's obvious and in your face wrong as hell.
Like Obama, if Trump messes with this case in any way shape form or fashion3, what will he say to the SM's serving if justice isn't given it's due? What message is he giving to the troops..."screw up good, and put it on Fox News so I can see it, and I'll take care of it"? That is not fair, takes away the power vested in commanders and NCO's in leadership positions. But if this is how it's going to be, then I want every 4856 I ever got reviewed and thrown out even if I deserved it, any Art15 I was ever recommended for tossed even though I never got em, and I want an immediate promotion to SFC even though I did not do what I was supposed to do to get promoted to SFC. I feel I was treated by my leaders unfairly, yet I KNOW that wasn't true. They ALL led the horse to water. The dumbass horse wanted beer and cake instead. Oh and I want my secondary MOS to become my primary with a $20k bonus tax free. I don't deserve it, but I feel its "just" because I want to be compensated for my mistakes.

Judge: Obama sex assault comments 'unlawful command influence'
Two defendants in military sexual assault cases cannot be punitively discharged, if found guilty, because of “unlawful command influence” derived from comments made by President Barack Obama, a judge ruled in a Hawaii military court this week, setting the stage for defense attorneys to use the same arguments in sexual assault cases throughout the military.
I defended this guy because I believe he was right.....until I posted my opinion here, and was told how ignorant my opinion was by one of this SFC's peers. What we do overseas either in theater or garrison has ripple effects that can reverberate and hurt someone else who had nothing to do with that. That "cop" was wrong as hell, he deserved more than he got from that GB, but knowing what I know now from folks here, I would be PISSED if what that GB did cost one of mine their lives. I would definately let the world know too.

Green Beret Who Beat Up Afghan Officer for Raping Boy Can Stay in Army
The Army made the decision after lawmakers called for the full reinstatement of Sgt. First Class Charles Martland, who helped beat up the commander in 2011.
First Rule of Fight Club....THERE IS NO FIGHT CLUB. So when the Army initially investigated it, and found no evidence, STFU and drive on. The E4 Mafia preaches that in SPCAASS(Specialist Assessment and Selection School) a course held as a precursor for WOC. Here you learn how to see everything, yet nothing. Know everything, yet nothing, be on time, yet unseen.
Here is a very long list of just the drone strikes in "P'stan" - First one two kids were killed yet we ponder the MAJ's moral compass.
For the president -
As the President can pardon military offenses I feel its appropriate to review the case while remaining silent until adjudication. At that point the President can pardon if he deems it appropriate.
I'm sure many will disagree - but he was cleared I believe twice before he went on Fox and was then charged with murder.
List of drone strikes in Pakistan - Wikipedia
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan claimed that at over 900 people were killed in US drone attacks in Pakistan's tribal areas in 2010.[235]