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Responses: 7
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Why do you think they're doing it?
CPT Adam P.
CPT Adam P.
6 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - And 3) They want the US in chaos while they do a power grab across eastern Europe with little resistance.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
6 y
And here we have an example of those falling for the social media crap which is getting spewed. The Russians are very good at info ops and yet you are trying to take that and turn it into something simplistic which fits your narrative. They are succeeding somewhat because people such as yourself are promoting and pushing the chaos.

Six years ago it was the other party which was laughing at a GOP candidate for suggesting Russia is the primary geopolitical threat. The previous president instructed his people to hold fire on responding to Russian hacking and social media IO campaigns. I assure that more is being done about Russia now than I've seen in the past. A President who's in the back pocket of Russia wouldn't be directing such things.

But no, you're looking at right here and right now and believing the Russians are pushing a limited scope, centered on President Trump. It never occurs to you that this is what they want you to believe. The fact that they pushed for Trump to win the election, does not equate to a Trump collusion. It is possible that they simply thought Trump was weaker, new to diplomacy, and new to the way government works, enabling them to try and push their agenda. As a happy coincidence, a significant part of the American perception believes they are directing him. Even I as one who has spent a significant part of my career in IO would capitalize in maintaining that perception. Don't become their useful idiot.

On the positive side, the people within the US government are able to make up for Trump's inexperience in government (as they were able to do under Obama). Still, something needs to be done with taking the IO fight back to them, getting the right message out to the American people, and ending the childish behavior between Trump and the Democrat party.
CPT Adam P.
CPT Adam P.
6 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - Again context means everything.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
6 y
Context does mean everything and the context of what Romney said then was ignored and ridiculed. He was right.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
So what?
CPT Adam P.
CPT Adam P.
6 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
6 y
Yes, Russia was and still is one of the biggest geopolitical threats to the US. ISIS, while dangerous, required containment as they were attempting to break out of the Middle East and establish international footholds. Romney wasn't saying we should ignore ISIS, he was simply identifying the larger player. How you don't see that after you speak about the "long con" in your original post is almost humorous.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
6 y
The election by the way was rigged. At least the primaries were in the case of the Democrat Party. That might is evident and Trump was correct to suspect a larger effort to rig the election.
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Cpl Jeff N.
Only morons get their news and thought from social media. There is no real way to measure the effectiveness of any of these attempts. They also did post things supporting democrats. Their intents is to sow discord. Once could argue they would have liked a HRC presidency better than Trump. She was the status quo, they liked the status quo.
CPT Adam P.
CPT Adam P.
6 y
That statement is a little broad. The President uses social media everyday to get his message out, should that be ignored?
SGT Kevin Berman
SGT Kevin Berman
6 y
CPT Adam P. - Yes, and smart people ignore them. I'll admit to laughing when the left freaks about them though. Remember, Actions speak louder than words.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
6 y
CPT Adam P. - Trump's tweets are his own, we know that. You can agree, disagree, love or hate etc. They are not Russian posts. If you are taking random posts off of social media, you don't know the origin/source of the post and you are not checking it against other sources you might get fooled by the Russians, the Chinese, The North Koreans or the Iranians. Misinformation has been a tool of our adversaries for decades. Informed people know that and are not easily fooled.
CPT Adam P.
CPT Adam P.
6 y
Cpl Jeff N. - I don't disagree. My point is your post was very broad. Your response was more nuance and makes more sense.
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