Posted on Nov 23, 2018
I'm a Muslim U.S. Marine, but am I American enough? | Opinion
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
I did not hesitate to step on my first escalator in the Lazarus Dept store in Columbus, OH when I was 5 or 6 years old.
the man isn't wrong. all of us who took that oath and put on that uniform did, indeed, swear to defend ALL Americans. White, black, yellow. Baptist, Hindu, agnostic, Muslim. rich, poor. educated, uneducated. we do not and can not draw lines about who we will defend and who we won't. 26 years after being discharged, I still abide by that oath, and I am sure the vast majority of other veterans do the same.
so why aren't our elected officials, people that WE put in office, doing the same? why are so many of them so quick to look at Mansoor Shams, Marine, Veteran, US citizen, and see only the fact that he is a Muslim. Does his religion make him less of an American? does he not deserve the same freedoms that a white, educated, male deserves?
so why aren't our elected officials, people that WE put in office, doing the same? why are so many of them so quick to look at Mansoor Shams, Marine, Veteran, US citizen, and see only the fact that he is a Muslim. Does his religion make him less of an American? does he not deserve the same freedoms that a white, educated, male deserves?
Sure you are American enough. But remember the last refuge of a scoundrel is patriotism or religion!
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