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Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Unfortunately, we have judges who legislate from the bench. That's what the POTUS meant, I believe. However, his usual style is to put his foot in his mouth.
Capt Retired
Capt (Join to see)
6 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - I agree. But, I submit that if he said the sky is blue and grass is green way too many would argue that he was wrong.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
6 y
Capt (Join to see) - the actual problem is that POTUS is trying to legislate from the Oval Office and the court is quite correctly pointing out that he can't do that.
Capt Retired
Capt (Join to see)
6 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Oh? I am pretty sure I heard the president say I have a phone and a pen. :)
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
6 y
No. What Trump alleged was judges are loyal to the presidents that appoint them. That’s hogwash and Roberts saying the judiciary is independent that is loyal to the law and America not one person or political party. He criticized one of his own appointed judges who ruled against one of his policies. You can be disappointed about a ruling. Constructively criticize the ruling and suggest a way ahead. But to publicly attack a judge with accusations of disloyalty is not good for our democracy.
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MCPO Roger Collins
Says the guy that modified the Obamacare Bill so that it met Constitutional muster. When we see a varied vote by the SCOTUS, rather than what appears as left and right splits, I will buy the story he is selling.
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MAJ James Woods
Some of ya will go at any lengths to defend Trump. What’s the role of the judiciary? To concur or nonconcur whether something is within the guidelines of the law. Some of ya want to call it legislating from the bench but isn’t that exactly what the judiciary has been doing from day one of it’s creation when it ruled who can vote, who can be a citizen, what money can be used for, who lives and dies, who one can marry, etc; every time government passed legislation and regulations that would be challenged. So when an appointed Justice says he’ll use his position to get payback at those who challenged his appointment; that is the guy one should question every vote and statement he makes with questionable intentions.
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