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Responses: 7
SSgt Gary Andrews
Seems like an inappropriate use of our military IMHO. This will cost the taxpayers millions of dollars to stage active-duty troops at the border.....to perform a non-military function. Our military members are trained to conduct war, not to perform immigration enforcement activities. We have a federal force trained specifically to do that function. I can't help but wonder......when immigrants arrived by boat from various different countries earlier in our country's history, how many of us would be here now if those boats had been met by the military and sent back? Anyone?
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
Susan Foster the point was human trafficking occurs. The point is our government has current laws on the immigration process. The point is the previous administration ignored their Constitutional duties to uphold and enforce the law. Or have the law changed via legislation. They did not. Instead the previous administration used tax payer money to charter planes. Those planes were flown into South and Central America, filled with non American citizens and flown into the United States. This has all been documented. There is no conspiracy. The previous administration held a view on immigration that was not as the law was written so they bypassed the law. As we saw in Kavenaugh we see here as well that the law has been simply ignored and a new narrative is set. Human trafficking, sex trafficking of minors, illegals killing Americans, increase number of diseases crossing the border, increased taxes upon the People to pay for services, etc... these are all secondary and third effects of political parties attempting to remain relevant and maintain power. So I believe you are wrong. It has everything to do with this caravan. The caravan represents the rule of law. We have recently seen that we have two justice systems with the Kavanaugh political media hit job. False accusations and public convictions are the norm. What happens when we all stop following the law?
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
SSgt Gary Andrews Do you have a copy of the OPORD and does it state immigration enforcement? As I have stated before, this is a mission that TF6 conducted for years. Supporting role. But I am perfectly fine with our military executing a screen line on the S Border, intent to deter, detect, survail, report to Federal Agencies.
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
6 y
LTC (Join to see) - I totally agree that it occurs and that it's abominable. It's not just Latino people, however, it's actually more prevalent in other countries around the world that there. Our immigration system is a total mess and there are way too many on the waiting list (some for years) to adjudicate, yet we've had years (back to Reagan at least) to streamline the process and do better. And even if we don't want to revamp it, the U.S. as a whole shares a good bit of responsibility for the corruption but definitely not beginning with Pres Obama. It goes way, way back further than that. In fact to 1945 (here's a good article--just ignore the parts that sound too lefty which is all the parts in the front, and start reading the history a few sections in). Sorry--can't for the life of me figure out what Kavanaugh has to do with laws ignored. You lost me there. I think immigration laws should be followed, and I don't have any lib friends who think they shouldn't. I don't know of one Dem Congressman who supports open borders (there may be but I haven't been able to find out who). The caravan frenzy is part of the R party strategy they announced several weeks ago as "make people fearful enough about illegal immigration and they will vote R." McConnell even announced it. And it's a brilliant strategy, because obviously it's worked--people are afraid. It really does go against the Dems for the midterms. But I'm not--I have every confidence few will arrive, and those who do (from 2400 miles away), will not be allowed to come across, and with aviation, etc., the ones who cross at unauthorized points will be caught. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/06/we-owe-central-american-migrants-much-more-than-this.html
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
6 y
Susan Foster - Part of the problem is that LTC (Join to see) never wants to discuss issues that make Trump look bad, so he tries to deflect the issue, to take it to a completely unrelated issue.

He can't address the military deployment on the actual issues, so, using a propaganda site article, he's attempting to deflect the discussion.
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1SG Retired
Don't believe it's necessary, but when you are the Commander-In-Chief, it's your call.
LTC Owner
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
Bravo 1SG (Join to see) "Ours is not to wonder why.."
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
6 y
If it's not necessary, then why do it? It's more risk than prevention.
1SG Retired
1SG (Join to see)
6 y
SSG Jessica Bautista I didn't say it wasn't necessary. I said I don't believe it is necessary, but I'm not the one with the decision making authority.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
6 y
1SG (Join to see) Fair enough. Although, I have yet to hear anyone say it is necessary. Even leadership can make poor decisions.
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CMSgt Security Forces
Leaked documents from the Pentagon...hmmm.
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
6 y
But now the POTUS says it's true. Announced it. So....he could be lying again.
CMSgt Security Forces
CMSgt (Join to see)
6 y
Umm...ok. Was not questioning the veracity of the leaked documents, just that they were leaked in the first place.
LTC Owner
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
CMSgt (Join to see) - that's right up there with the unnamed source.
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