Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
This appears to be a political statement, one intended to sway the Justice's opinion. I'm sorry but that opportunity is past. The Justice is now protected from the political fray. He is above it thanks to a lifetime appointment. It would have been nice to have vetted the Justice prior to his appointment but that was denied by the Democrats who insisted on attacking the President and his appointee on personal grounds. While we might have discussed issues like those raised in your letter, we couldn't because of the clamor of what appear to have been false allegations and false witness. Better luck next time...
Col Robert Maness
Thanks for the comment. I agree with one exception. I don't think he is insulated from a citizen's views, lifetime appointment or not.
CPT Jack Durish
Col Robert Maness - I don't think that any Supreme Court Justice has ever been influenced by a citizen's views, or at least you'd have a hard time proving it. Indeed, to do so would expose the Justice to impeachment.
Col Robert Maness
Please clarify how exposure to impeachment would occur by reading and processing a citizen's viewpoint in a letter?
Article is spot on, specifically with the Federal Government overstepping its powers. We need to get beck to the Federal Government only doing those enumerated powers found in the Constitution. All federal government functions not found in the Constitution should be transferred to the States. That will take Legislative spine which until recently we have not had in Washington.
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