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Responses: 1
MAJ Ken Landgren
It is quite humbling and disturbing to have a mind that controls how you feel and think.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
6 y
MAJ Ken Landgren Who is in charge of your mind?

When the late wife w/ Alzheimer’s was my major concern and responsibility, I would take charge of my mind at bedtime!

On the advice of ‘consul’, I would mentally transport myself to where I was exiting an aircraft in Columbus, OH. From then on I mentally followed a previous route to Cousin Mary’s house, with all of the street names and turns included. The next AM, I would mentally back to the South out of her driveway, drive N. ect. Until I arrived at the Muskingham ?, River, embark on my inner tube and float down the River.

Any faltering caused by “thinking” resulted in my starting all over again!

So many things do not matter nor affect me, goodby bad things!
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
6 y
CSM Charles Hayden - Interesting. My mental journey to go to sleep is a big sailing ship. I inventory the kegs of starches, dried veggies, flour, water, fruits, and rum. Then I cook a thick soup and bake bread. I am usually asleep by then, but I am still awake I wander around the rest of the ship. Have a good night sir!
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