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Responses: 7
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Right now it appears to be all about feelings rather than facts. That is no way to run a country, a legal system or a hearing.
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SMSgt Thor Merich
At risk of my own peril, I will jump into this fray. My opinion is based on my experience in dealing with issues of sexual assault from a factual point of view. I have 31 years of LE experience, most of it in Investigations. I have investigated sexual assaults from the first responder, Detective, and Detective supervisor position.

I was driving cross country when the hearings were happening and I listened to both testimonies. However, not being able to see their facial expressions only gave me part of the story. Just listening to her, I found Professor Ford to be sincere and credible. Although, her selective memory was troubling and raised a few red flags for me. That being said, after she was finished, I thought to myself that Kavanaugh was in trouble. However, I found Kavanaugh very credible too. His testimony pretty much canceled out hers. Fords testimony was emotional but Kavanaugh’s seemed for factual.

But since I am trained to look at things from a factual point of view, I have to consider all the evidence. Which includes other witnesses, other evidence such as the polygraph, Kavanugh’s calendar, and background information on both parties.

At the end of the day, the accusations don’t hold water. No other witnesses support Fords allegations, in fact they say the opposite. The polygraph is very suspect as it wasn’t completed by normal standards. The timing of the disclosure is very telling, especially since it has been held by Feinstein for so long. The judges calendar provides exculpatory evidence. The judge has been through numerous past FBI background investigations where none of this was every found. There isn’t any “there” there.

This case would have never even made it to a prosecutors desk, let alone be filed in criminal court.

While I know that many sexual assaults go unreported, I also know that many women file false claims of sexual assault. In my experience over 50% of claims reported to my police department were later determined to be false. Since these accusations became public, I spoke to some of my past sex crimes Detectives would worked for me over the years. All agreed that the majority of claims reported to them were later determined to be false. One Detective said that his experience was that 90% were false. Either way, it’s not uncommon for women to file false claims for various reasons.

Looking at the entire picture we always look at the motivation of the accuser. Is there a motivation to lie? In this case, the political motivations are very apparent and clear.

Sexual assaults towards women is a big issue. There are many powerful men out there that take advantage (ie- Cosby and Weinstein). But These types of unsubstantiated accusations only hurt women overall and will only set back the entire “me too” movement.
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
6 y
The only people really hurt by this SMSgt Thor Merich are the real victims...
SMSgt Thor Merich
SMSgt Thor Merich
6 y
LT Brad McInnis - Absolutely
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
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PO3 Phyllis Maynard
I hope at the end of the day justice and compassion have not been deceived. My son at 14 years old had no proof that he did not assault a little girl in after school. But for the love of her father, his compassion for a horrible situation between parents, and his sense of fair play and justice, he looked his little girl in the eye and said to her, " tell me the truth no matter what I will love you. If this little boy is innocent you don't want to hurt him or his mother". Little Lizzie said she made it up because the after care teacher caught them in the broom closet. He asked her why were they in the broom closet. She told him she wanted to show my son how to kiss a girl because she liked him. So she screamed and told the teacher he pulled her inside the broom closet. She could have ended up my daughter-in-law today had it not been for that.

For me, I had proof and witnesses. But the state of North Carolina offered my civil rights attorney a Superior Judgeship if the federal EEOC cause finding in my favor was not considered, in the Navy on the ship the Captain told me to do like the other 125 women and get a nice boyfriend so the others would leave me alone. When I didn't comply, I was ostracized. In college, I was the top C++ programmer in my class, programming at a master's level as a 4-year junior. The entire class if failing students were promised and given passing grades, if they did not testify on my behalf. I was given an F. The second time around under a different instructor I performed flawlessly. He told me he "could not" give me the grade A I had earned but he wouldn't fail me. So I was given a grade of "C" and told to be glad to graduate by not having to go to another school to take the class as it was a required programming class.

So, evil prevails cunningly all around us.
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