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Responses: 5
LTC Owner
Delay tactics, recess is coming, will the Senate have time to resolve this and still vote?
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
I believe there are Senate rules on the timing of an election so the Democrats had no intention of a hearing. They are simply adding fuel to the fire daily and waiting for the the clock to run out. The Majority Leader will have to decide next to either respect those rules or carry over the Senate and have a vote. I'm betting both parties will push this to the extreme. More unfounded allegations and the vote will happen.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
6 y
The Anita Hill precedence should be applied and the FBI should conduct a complete investigation, because it appears that their is a push.
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
6 y
I was thinking about explaining it to you CPT Pedro Meza . Then i realized it was a waste of time, considering you can’t differentiate among there/their/they’re.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
6 y
Sgt Wayne Wood - I see that you forget that I deal with a disability caused by Traumatic Brain Injury from Afghanistan, it take me more time then the rest of you, yet I am able to process information slower, but do understand. I see this as an issue of women addressing Traumatic events from their teen age years, events that they attribute to a current federal judge and given that he is a federal worker their accusations need investigating by a federal authority the FBI. Which is similar to Anita Hill who was a federal worker; just the other way around.
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MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
Last time I checked, the Constitution gave the right for an individual to face his/her accuser. IF Ford doesn't testify, then the Senate should dismiss the allegation as unfounded and proceed accordingly. Having been in law enforcement, I've seen DA's and judges dismiss charges thousands of times because the accuser refused to testify and no other substantiating evidence was presented.

Thankfully in our court systems the level of evidence needed for conviction is significantly higher than, "He done it 'cuz I sez he dunnit!"
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Now someone is objecting to something on the Georgetown yearbook. Sigh. Enough
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
6 y
Lt Col Charlie Brown - Ma'am, can any of us make the claim we haven't said something we wish we had not? Looking back over my own HS yearbooks, there are a few instances I can look on and say, "I was really naive and immature for saying that." I'd like to think we all have the ability to grow and move on from those days.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
6 y
CPT Pedro Meza - The FBI won’t investigate. It is out of their jurisdiction. Anita Hill was investigated because she was a federal worker. What kind of FBI investigation do you want? A Hillary Clinton FBI investigation where no one is under oath and blatant crimes are ignored, or a Mike Flynn investigation where even if they think he is innocent they still find a crime?
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
6 y
LTC David Brown - When you have women making accusations against a Judge of the United States Court of Appeals a federal worker, those accusations need to be investigating as possible false accusations and what ever infractions are discovered, they should be dealt with. Therefore I do disagree the it out of the FBI jurisdiction given that the judge is a federal worker now. The reality is that the local police, county or state can also conduct investigations if charges are filed by these women, provided that statue of limitations are valid.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
6 y
CPT Pedro Meza - And there in is the crux of the current issue - IF her accusations are provably false (doubtful) what will happen to her legal wise? Nothing, there is no legal jeopardy for her for making a false accusation, if that is what it is.
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