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Responses: 5
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
She needs to go to jail. She shot the poor guy in his own home.
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SGT Combat Engineer
The whole thing is sad, but it was made worse with the release of irrelevant information about the victim. That was pretty shabby.
SFC Harry H.
SFC Harry H.
6 y
That's the media for you.
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Patricia Overmeyer
Thankfully she won't have another job as a police officer. Unless the union comes to her rescue and takes up the legal cause that she was wrongfully fired.
The whole situation is so sad. I feel so sorry for his mother, to bury her son and to have to hear the three different versions of the same old story. Ugh.
SFC Harry H.
SFC Harry H.
6 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Lets be fair, those statistics are pretty bias. There is 1.1 million LE officers to 325.7 Million Americans. 1.1 million includes city, state, and federal. If you minus FBI, DEA, ICE, Boarder Patrol, etc there is 900,000 sworn officers. That's less then 0 [login to see] 18821% of our population. That's like taking a needle and throwing at the hay stack, it's going to hit the stack. 11,000 died within 10 years? That sounds like damn good odds to me considering the 325.7 million people registered in the US. Numbers don't include illegals and visitors. That's a 0 [login to see] 111452257% chance of being killed over the course of 10 years by police officers. A 0 [login to see] 222904514% that an officer will kill an unarmed civilian black or white in 10 years. So that's 2,200 unarmed? So that means 8,800 were armed? Case solved there. Anyways, I can make this post bias as well.
SFC Harry H.
SFC Harry H.
6 y
Capt Gregory Prickett What in the hell are you talking about? Did you not look at my comment that I replied back to you with? I used your own numbers to calculate actual percentages of the odds of being killed by a police officer. It’s ridiculously doubtful that you will ever see or hear of anyone you actually know, past or present that will die at the hands of a police officers. Let alone killed while unarmed. You statistically have a better chance of being killed by lightning 3 times and winning the lottery then being killed by a police officer in your lifetime. Your statements are making you sound rather retarded and the fact that you are automatically assuming every incident was unjustified makes your numbers and statements sound even more retarded and bias against police officers. I’ll tell you what, next time some punk is breaking into your old man Buick LaCrosse or robbing you at Walgreens while you pick up your Metamucil, do us LE a favor, call your local thug. Just so we don’t become one of your ridiculous statistics and have the mistaken mishap of shooting an unarmed person.
SFC Harry H.
SFC Harry H.
6 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - So thank you for proving my point. I roped you into commenting on the inaccurate information. Merely to prove the point that you said nothing about the actually true facts that I presented based on your statistics and how absurd they actually really are. I just proved that people like you ignore facts and are very close minded.

Why haven't you given any incite, advice, or solutions on how we as LE or Civilians need to combat the problems of today. Com' on Master Peace Officer, enlighten us all with your years of wisdom. Tell us how you did things in the 70's. I so want to know how you beat people with your billy clubs and choked subjects trying to swallow drugs to evade arrest. You know there is so much I would love to say and defend our problems we are facing today, but you have already determined what it is that you are going to determine anyways, just like so many others. We are only baby boomers and millennial's to you and your era was so far superior then ours. Times have changed old wise one, we face a growing population then what you faced in the 70's. There is a 120.6 million more citizens then when you were an officer and that again is not including the estimated 11.4 million illegals and the 75.9 million international visitors. We also deal with and face the failures of your generation as well as my own.

You said, "It is far more likely that a civilian will die than a cop will die". If you would of read my statistics and acknowledged that they made sense, then your obvious statement would of already been proven to be correct. "11,000, 2,200, 1,100 people are killed by the police", is what you keep saying. What you keep failing to mention though is how many of those police action shootings were justified. I don't care to see numbers on justified police action shootings and the running count of civilians being killed by cops. SHOW ME UNJUSTIFIED NUMBERS!!! Then take those numbers divide those by I don't give a shit and shove them up your ass is what I want to say, Oh did I say that? Even you should know and many other Service Members should know, that in the heat of the moment, decisions are to be made in split seconds without time to rationalize and process the entire situation or you yourself could be dead.
SFC Harry H.
SFC Harry H.
6 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Dude, I'm done talking with you. Don't even respond. Have a good day and god bless you.
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