I am posting this for a friend who is working on her Phd, please take a few minuets and complete the survey.
I am a Ph.D. Candidate at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, Texas. I am conducting a study to partially fulfill the requirements for a doctoral degree in Leadership Studies. I am reaching out to you to invite you to be part of this important study on how people perceive themselves and how they perceive themselves as Authentic Leaders. The information collected will be completely anonymous and confidential and will not cost you more than your time and honest responses.
I also ask that you please help me by sharing this message and the link to this survey with your social media friends, your colleagues, your adult family members, and your supervisor/boss. Ask them to also share the link with their contacts. Your participation in the survey and help in recruiting participants is greatly appreciated.
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/67PD3G6 Thank you!
Imelda Aguilar