Posted on Sep 13, 2018
Lejeune Commander Fires Back at Critics After Declining to Evacuate Base
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
WTF? He will be responsible and it will be unforgivable if there is any loss of life due to this storm and his decision.
It's lonely at the top and this is a tough call. I read some of the rationale for staying and it was a Catch 22. If they leave it could be hard to get back in to perform the many missions afterwards, due to high water and other obstacles. I know from experience that they'll be cleaning up for months. They always support these storms, and sent a Task Force to FL for Andrew. We rode out Fran and Bertha while there. Within the Combat Logistics Group alone are an Engr BN, and others for Transportation, Medical and other assets to recover post-storm. I hope all will be well.
LtCol Robert Quinter
I heard one report that persons living around the base are being allowed aboard for shelter. LeJeune is no longer WWII wooden barracks and buildings. Probably the most vulnerable structures are the Paradise Point Officer's housing. Considering the roads accessing Jacksonville, the potential for traffic deaths is most likely higher than staying in place. We'll know soon.
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