Posted on Sep 5, 2018
Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
If I wanted to sow the seeds of suspicion to destroy the Trump Administration, this is the piece I would publish claiming that it was authored by a confidant
SPC Erich Guenther
I agree that would be the intent but POTUS has appointed people stronger than that around him so I don't think it will have any impact. Certainly most of the former business executives have seen this sort of thing go on before in the past.
I really don't get all this hate. I understand not liking the guy, ok whatever... but why all the hate?
CPT Jack Durish
I think I get it. President Trump is the object of their hate, but we are the cause of it. We rejected them. The progressive Left have been in the ascendancy so long that they were taken by surprise when we elected a President who was outspokenly committed to reversing their fortunes. Furthermore, he wouldn't be able to deliver on his promises if we weren't truly committed to them. That's why they not only speak out against President Trump, but also feel no compunction about sucker punching us on the street, interfering with our peaceful enjoyment of a meal at a restaurant or a show at a theater. We can't display our support for our nation or our President without being concerned for our peace and safety. They hate not only him, but also us
SSG Pete Fleming
LTC Michael Martin, CPT Jack Durish... Gentelman, I agree with you completely and I do believe you are correct... but the level of hate... And not just by politicians, media, and such... It is the common folk the regular people who are so blinded by hate that they can't understand a strong America is good for them... dare I say good for the world... But so many people would rather see the USA crumble and the world fall in to despair than see America thrive while Trump is president... It boggles the mind.
SSG Pete Fleming
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi - I agree with your point, but even with Reagan there wasn't this level... This is entirely different level. Is it the social media that allows people to come out of the shadows while still hiding? The past two years has been completely different. Presidents have been disliked on both sides. The anti-Obama crowd wasn't this hateful... And we didn't have the outright open hatred of the nation as a whole... Carter still cared about America, heck Bill Clinton still cared about the USA... But Hillary and so many on the left are just so full of hate and contempt. It has gone to entire different level than it ever was before. Sure, there have been issues, watch old TV shows and you see similar narratives, from both sides, minus the pure outward hate of today. That is the part that just amazes me. The level of open unguided hate. Especially by people who have no clue that they are trying to destroy the very thing that gives the power to hate. I have never been so blinded by a thing that I completely lost myself, not even as a teenager who fell in love for the first time, I still could bring my focus back to reality (at least for short moments)...
Honestly does it matter? I read this earlier and it again makes claims that have been heard before. Claims that have been denied before. With everything that the article said, no one officially besides the President himself has gone to extremes to deny/denounce it. Calling it ‘fake news’ because it doesn’t mention a specific name is foolhardy. There are tons of tweets out there making bombastic claims that attribute their strength in information from ‘annomous sources’. Some of those no name tweets were true. They weren’t ‘fake news’, anyone than this is. You can only cry wolf so many before the wolf appears. Same with ‘fake news’. Eventually the ‘real news’ will pop up. He wasn’t ready between the books, the tapings, and this.
I’m wondering personally is this a ‘Patriot’ who despise personal loss, possible jail time, is willing to sacrifice it all for American interest? I’ll bet everyone will say no, but that’s exactly what this person and those like em are doing at 1600 Penn Ave. Patriots that’ll remain nameless.
I’m wondering personally is this a ‘Patriot’ who despise personal loss, possible jail time, is willing to sacrifice it all for American interest? I’ll bet everyone will say no, but that’s exactly what this person and those like em are doing at 1600 Penn Ave. Patriots that’ll remain nameless.
SSG Warren Swan
CPT Jack Durish I fully understand that that. But it doesn’t take away the basic fact that if you can condone one man using random sources when it fits one side, but the other has to name theirs, then you’re promoting party over the same law that you’re questioning my belief on.
Basically Trump has made a ton of tweets using nameless sources. ‘I’ve heard from credible sources’
....WHO are those credible sources he’s not naming? Those tweets have had effects on people, their careers and families. Do the people affected get the ability to ask who the names are or not? Or does this fundamental right you speak of only matters when the conversation is against a political party, leader, or system you support?
Basically Trump has made a ton of tweets using nameless sources. ‘I’ve heard from credible sources’
....WHO are those credible sources he’s not naming? Those tweets have had effects on people, their careers and families. Do the people affected get the ability to ask who the names are or not? Or does this fundamental right you speak of only matters when the conversation is against a political party, leader, or system you support?
CPT Jack Durish
SSG Warren Swan - Don't look to me to defend President Trump's tweets except to say that I understand. When he is beset on all sides by the news and entertainment, he has little choice than to make his case directly to the people. Given his lack of finesse on Twitter, I would suggest that he hire someone to filter his tweets in the same manner that he has a press secretary to handle the goon squad down the hall
SSG Warren Swan
CPT Jack Durish I’m past looking for anyone to defend his Twitter issues. Only Trump can do that, and those who will excuse behavior like that as acceptable, and anyone who disagrees as weak, liberal, or a litany of other choice words. The only thing im looking at you to answer or not is can you tell me what ‘honor’ you mean, and how can you say use a law that allows one to see an accuser but when the accused is named by an unnamed source it’s now wrong. You said Trump should know because of that fundamental right. I do not disagree, except journalists have the right to protect sources and there have been those who went to jail to protect them. Where was that same fundamental right when it’s going his way? Where and who are those ambiguous sources he named? I’m looking for equality not one sided ‘works for me’ types of excuses. If you cannot answer that, then you’re right we cannot discuss this further being it’s a one sided ‘your way’ discussion. Not an open exchange of ideas.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
I think you're missing the point. No one here in this thread is defending Trump's Twitter fetish. I personally hate how he uses it. But what you are effectively doing is rationalizing the actions of this sackless insider by pointing to Trump, essentially saying he does it too. The fact is, this guy is no different than what Peter Strzok aspired to do, work against a duly elected President. If the President is on the verge of failing, let him! By not allowing him to get his way as the anonymous author stated, all he is doing is making Trump look good to his constituents. I am more than happy to see and agree, if presented, the Emperor isn't wearing clothes. But what this person is doing (assuming he's stating the truth) is telling us Trump's not wearing clothes while at the same time helping the President lie about it. Sack up, show your self, and allow us to consider your own integrity and character as we decide whether to believe you. Otherwise, shut the hell up.
Tell me, why would anyone want to believe this guy (assuming he exists or is what he says he is) when he can't even show himself? For all we know, this is another Omarosa (whom I trust as much as I can throw her).
Tell me, why would anyone want to believe this guy (assuming he exists or is what he says he is) when he can't even show himself? For all we know, this is another Omarosa (whom I trust as much as I can throw her).
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