Posted on Aug 9, 2018
Fearing a Trump return to torture, psychologists keep ban at Guantanamo
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Let's be clear. These are terrorist scum that we are housing in GTMO. They were cutting people's heads off, burning them alive in cages, running them over with tanks, and putting videos of their war crimes on the Internet. I have no sympathy for those animals that we picked up on the battlefield. Most aren't even from the areas they were picked up in which tells you they had no business being there... except to try to kill Americans.
I could care less about waterboarding them. It's actually an act of mercy compared to what they did to their captives. They should consider themselves extremely fortunate that we aren't as depraved as they are. Whatever happened at Abu Ghraib [and by no means am I defending it!] pales in comparison to the atrocities and war crimes their side is guilty of.
I could care less about waterboarding them. It's actually an act of mercy compared to what they did to their captives. They should consider themselves extremely fortunate that we aren't as depraved as they are. Whatever happened at Abu Ghraib [and by no means am I defending it!] pales in comparison to the atrocities and war crimes their side is guilty of.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
I agree, one of my mantras includes this diatribe: "731 Gitmo detainees RELEASED, and NONE beheaded, executed, hacked to death, blown up, dragged naked and lifeless in the street, drowned or burned alive." I believe Gitmo is a small but essential piece to the big puzzle of how we win the Global War on Terror. However, proper psychological diagnosis is important in many ways. One, to help obtain valuable information that could save many lives. Two, it creates a safer, more stable environment for the Military Police Guards and military medical personnel who must keep detainees safe, secure and healthy. Three, we really don't train any other way - Geneva Conventions and the Law of War stipulate that we must care for captives as if they were our own soldiers. At Gitmo we have certainly always done that, to a fault I might add. Four, it is the moral, Christian thing to do. Take your pick, or none of the above. Hooah!
MAJ Montgomery Granger Again, your background and service is a benefit to our group and Nation! Thank you Sir!!!
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