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LTC Field Artillery Officer
I just learned of the USS Liberty incident a few years ago. Thanks for the share PO1 Tony Holland.

It is a baffling mystery and I cannot understand how the pilot of the Israeli aircraft mistook the Liberty for some other foreign ship. There is just no way the US-Flagged ship could not have been known to the pilot as an American ship. It was an intentional attack, definitely.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
6 y
Several truths about the USS Liberty incident

The first truth that we need to understand/contend-with, is that subterfuge has caused more wars than we can name. Ever since the citizens of Troy allowed that pretty white horsey to come into their gates, the world's military's have been looking for ways to pull one over on their adversaries. Pirate captains/boats started out as English-backed enterprises to "wage war" without actually waging war. This is where we get the phrase "false flag" as the ships would fly flags other than English flags to approach hapless enemy ships. The Japanese put some corpses in uniforms and then fired rifles into them to give the impression that China attacked one of their positions. This would then be Japan's excuse to start war with China in 1937. Two years later, Hitler's SS would grab some concentration camp corpses, dress them in Polish and German uniforms and carry out the same play at a border station. Next thing ya know Hitler is demanding war with Poland. Have we ever done it? WMD anyone? Trust me - pulling a fast one is as old as the hills.

The second truth you need to deal with is political positioning. The anti-Israel voting carried out by the USA in the UN up until June 1st, 1967 is very real. It historically exists. Now, were the USA to really have been attacked **OUT OF THE BLUE** by Israel, why would America suddenly start being all buddy-buddy to Israel? Wouldn't the USA be even MORE against Israel in the UN?

Third truth? Yup. There's one. And its a funnier one. Along the same lines as voting, there's business. We're not selling anything to Israel. Toothbrushes, cars, can openers. Nada. Zilch. Zippo. Nothing. Now all of the sudden, **AFTER** they kill tons of our sailors and almost sink our ship, we're suddenly providing them with weapons. But wait, not just any weapons, but our best weapons that we also need as we are up to our arm pits in South East Asia at the same time. In fact, we're in such a rush to sell to them - now - that we give them front line US Navy and US Air Force planes, right off our flight lines/carriers. We even train them to operate them! Kind of like teaching your rapist how to sodomize you, right? A bit too graphic? Not really. Remember, barely two years ago, we're declaring war on Vietnam for "attacking" (not "sinking"..."attacking") two of our destroyers in the Gulf Of Tonkin. And yet, Israel physically *HAS* killed Americans and gutted one of our ships and we're suddenly their bestest bud. Thats kind of some strange reverse engineering. Now before you get all too wound up and wired over that, consider the German SS murdering our prisoners at Malmedy in 1945. When 1954 rolls around and West Germany becomes our ally, we have forgiven them for their crimes and they have apologized for them to us. So there's nothing wrong with a nation becoming friendly with another nation that committed wrong against them. But this took close to ten years. We "buried the hatchet" with Israel in under two days! How's that done?

The Cold War will be your fourth truth. It existed. And it involved submarines. Lots of them. NATO is outnumbered by Russian troops, tanks and planes but has a noticeably large naval presence and wants to keep it that way. British ownership of the Gibralter straits and a large US Navy base in Sicily put things just where NATO wants them. Russian sub bases in the Med do not exist. So anything coming into the Med has to transit the Black Sea or the Gibralter straits. What if a squadron (six or twelve) of Russian hunter-killer submarines could be based in the Med? That would throw things off in a bad way. We knew in 1987 that the Soviet boats were inadequate, but we didn't know that in 1967. Tons of books (many with nothing to do about the Liberty) all cover Russian attempts to gain a Med port to counter the US Sixth Fleet. The books are never clear as to why Russia "suddenly" stops trying to get a port.

Another good one that stands the test of time is the old chestnut that Israel attacked the Liberty because America was not an ally and with an invasion of Jerusalem pending, the last thing IDF JCOS wanted was a neutral spy ship giving intel to the highest bidder. Its true that just as Israel was getting the upper hand in the 56 war, the USA pressured the UN to end the war. So the IDF knew that the USA would have the power to end the 67 war. Israel was forgiven for attacking Jordan as Jordan had fired first. But once the firing was "removed" the IDF would be required to cease fire. So the window for when to stop shooting was when the decision was made to hit Jerusalem. Had Jordan known through intel that the IDF was moving that way, not only could they have been more prepared which = more IDF casualties, or Egypt and Syria could likewise have assumed the IDF was stripping units for a Jerusalem raid (it was) and launched counter attacks. So for this reason, eliminating the spy threat was paramount. Now - should this turn out to be the real reason the IDF launched the attack, then one must wonder why it was carried out with naked aircraft who's pilots were speaking Farsi? Under the USA's own guidelines, they were operating outside of the law by being there, so an IDF "get the fuck out of here" strike would be permissible and a "oops sorry, we thought you were arab" would be a great excuse. But again, the planes would be marked.

Last but not least, every book or article on the Liberty (whether it supports Israel "mistake" or American conspiracy), mentions that two rescue missions were launched and recalled for no written reason (missing log book entries...) and that the survivors were not allowed to testify at their own hearings. If that last piece doesn't smack us in the face, then we're kinda punch drunk from other reasons.


Eric Hammel - Six Days In June
Peter Wright - Spycatcher
Oleg Penskovskiy - The Penskovskiy Papers
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
This is the day everyone realized Israel could do whatever it wanted by just issuing a so sorry message to the US.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
>1 y
Resolution against $38 billion in US military aid to Israel

Whereas Puerto Rico and the Virgin Island people have no electricity and clean water, yet what is the national debt of Israel?

Whereas the State of Texas has passed a law requiring people and businesses to certify they will not boycott Israel or if they refuse to sign, they will not get any State aid for damage suffered from a hurricane.

Whereas Israel’s settlements have no legal validity and constitute a flagrant violation of
international law,

Whereas Israel has failed to obey 69 UN resolutions, it is time that the US use its foreign aid as
leverage and to , and Americans need to be educated about the terrorist attacks
conducted by Israel and the history of Israel espionage against the US,

Whereas in 1967 Israel attacks the USS Liberty, an intelligence gathering vessel flying a US flag,killing 34 crew members,

Whereas in 1986 the La Belle disco bombing was really done by Israel not Libya,

Whereas General Dan Halutz former head of the Israeli military, orchestrated the indiscriminate
bombing of Lebanon in the summer of 2006, killing up to 1,200 civilians,

Whereas in 2001 the FBI investigated five Israeli moving companies as possible fronts for Israeli

Whereas the Jewish Defense League (JDL) it was classified as "a right-wing terrorist group" by
the FBI in 2001 and is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center,

Whereas since 1968, JDL operations have killed seven people and wounded at least 22 and the
FBI statistics show that, from 1980 through 1985, there were 15 officially classified terrorist
attacks in the U.S. committed by members of the JDL,

Whereas in 2001 JDL’s Irv Rubin was arrested for planning to bomb a US Congressman and he
died before he can be brought to trial,

Whereas in 1985 The New York Times reports the FBI is aware of at least a dozen incidents in
which American officials transferred classified information to the Israelis and the Justice
Department did not prosecute,

In the 1960’s Israelis formed a company called NUMEC and thru it stole some 200 pounds of highly enriched uranium (HEU) enough to make six atomic bombs, or maybe a little more,

Whereas on October 31,1985 the Washington Post reported that Richard Smyth, the owner of
MILCO, was indicted on charges of smuggling nuclear timing devices to Israel,

Whereas in 1992 The Wall Street Journal reported that Israeli agents apparently tried to steal
Recon Optical Inc's top-secret airborne spy-camera system,

Whereas in 1992 Stephen Bryen caught offering confidential documents to Israel in 1978 and he
is serving on board of the pro-Israeli Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs,

Whereas in 2005, an intelligence analysts in DoD, neocon-created, Office of Strategic Influence,
Larry Franklin was convicted of stealing US national security secrets on behalf of Israel,

Whereas in 2009 the US Justice Department refused to prosecute leaders of AIPAC (a major pro-
Israel lobbying organization) Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman who were caught red-handed
receiving classified US documents from Franklin,

And Whereas it was reported by Congressional Quarterly and The New York Times
Representative Jane Harman, a California Democrat was overheard agreeing with an Israeli
intelligence operative to try to intercede with Bush administration officials to obtain leniency for
Mr. Rosen and Mr. Weissman in exchange for help in persuading Democratic leaders to make her chairwoman of the House Intelligence Committee,

Whereas over 125 investigations have been done into Israeli Espionage in America,

Whereas Daniel Sheehan served as the Chief Attorney on The Karen Silkwood Case in 1976, which revealed the CIA's Israeli Desk had been smuggling 98% bomb-grade plutonium to the State of Israel and to Iran.

Whereas we like people of the Jewish faith.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Israel is not a friend of the US and does not deserve $38
billion in US military aid planned to be given them in the next ten years.

Israel’s Influence on Congress and Government Agencies

blocked The following guy speaking on this subject was blocked by U-Tube

Former senior CIA officer Israel not an ally its an enemy of USA.


False charges of anti-Semitism are being used to destroy people’s reputations

How Israel stole our nuke bomb technology and enriched uranium


The Harrowing of Hell

Dual citizenship with Israel.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
Never passed did It? Have friend who worked Israeli Desk at the Pentagon in 80s. He was amazed at how we bent over backwards to appease them.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
4 y
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - And don't forget the dancing Israelis who happened to be position in New Jersey across the river from the Twin Towers and all the US government officials who had dual US and Israeli citizenship and worked in the Office of Strategic Information.

Resolution for a New Congressional Investigation events on September 11, 2001 and the anthrax letter attacks

WHEREAS some 3, 382 architects and engineers (AE911truth.org,), , some 320 skilled commercial of military pilots (Pilots for 9/11 Truth), and some 58 elected public officials are saying that there is scientific irrefutably evidence proving that the TOTAL collapse of the World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001 were destroyed by explosives and incendiaries and not fire or airplanes,

WHEREAS Richard L. Lambert the FBI special agent in charge of the murder investigation of the 9/11 anthrax letters, he stated his bosses at FBI shut down or covered up his investigation, and so he filed a whistleblower complaint about their dereliction of duty,

WHEREAS 911 Commissioners Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton said that the FAA and NORAD did not tell the truth to the Commission and 9/11 Commissioners Bob Kerrey and Max Cleland called the Commission’s investigation a cover up,

WHEREAS the 9/11 Commission Report is full of lies and misinformation,

WHEREAS the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) final report made no recommendations about building future steel high rise building so they do not collapsing due for fires, and because never before nor after 9/11 had/has a steel high rise building ever collapsed with molten steel found within the wreckage,
WHEREAS NIST failed to include in its final report any eye witness statements from first responders who alleged they saw melted steel within the wreckage, nor did their report explain extremely high temperatures observed within the wreckage for months after the collapse and white smoke coming off the wreckage.

WHEREAS NIST did not explain why the World Trade Center buildings TOTALLY collapsed, only stated why the top 12 and 30 floors stated to collapse of the Twin Towers,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we call for a new public Congressional investigation of event before, during, and after the mass murder on 9/11 and the anthrax letter attacks,

9/11 scared the crap-o-la out of America and we went to war for oil and the big question was 9/11 part of a big plan?


Video classes Part 2, about the science of 9/11 truth
Part 3

Part 1

There is also a video of yellow colored steel dripping off the side of the south Twin Tower just before it collapsed. It is not aluminum metal because it is silver color as a liquid.

9/11 Whistleblower: Kevin Ryan former UL scientist

“But someone would have talked by now”

The 9/11 Commission whistleblowers

9/11 Whistleblower: Michael Springmann

9/11 Whistleblowers: William Rodriguez

The New Pearl Harbor revisited
https://www.facebook.com/sultan.abdallah70/videos/ [login to see] 08442/UzpfSTcxOTg1MDYwMjpWSzoxMTM0MzkyMDQ2NzIwNzIz/

Steel melts at 2,750 degree F. See the photo of yellow hot steel (2,192 F.) being removed from the WTC wreckage at http://www.911myths.com/html/wtc_molten_steel.html)

About the possibility of uninterruptible autopilots?
Atlantic Underground Podcast Episode #40 Guest (Capt. Dan Hanley) - YouTube

My book: "9/11 Hard Evidence"

Go to my Rally Point profile and send me a message. I will reply with my email address. Next send me an email. I will reply with one or two of my books attached for free.
or For sale at Amazon Kindle books
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
4 y
Early September: "Some White House personnel" are given ciprofloxacin, the antibiotic of choice against anthrax.
Israelis called for a global “war on terrorism” within a few hours of the 9/11 attacks
Israel’s enemies were being portrayed as America’s enemies too. Together, said the Zionists, Israel and America can defeat “the forces of darkness.” Israel’s crude campaign of innuendo and Orwellian projection manifested within a few hours of the 9/11 attacks. Israeli politicians Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and Shimon Peres all made public statements calling on the US and other Western powers to initiate a global “war on terrorism,” a term coined by Likudniks in the 1980s.
Israel’s army intelligence service Aman and the former Mossad chief Rafi Eitan trumpeted brazen disinformation shortly following 9/11, alleging Iraqi involvement in the attacks. In August of 2001 the Mossad delivered a propagandistic “warning” to the CIA alleging al-Qaeda and Iraq were working together and were plotting terror attacks on major US landmarks. The neoconservatives, who are for all intents and purposes emissaries of the Israeli regime in the US, went straight to work in the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, the New York Times and other media outlets, attempting to portray Arabs and Muslims generally as the sponsors of 9/11 and the source of all terrorism in the world.
The same pattern of Zionist deception is apparent with the anthrax attacks. Israel’s partisans immediately mobilized a propaganda initiative to link Iraq and al-Qaeda to the anthrax mailings. On various occasions President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney told reporters that al-Qaeda was likely involved in the lethal mailings.

On September 23, 2001, at the request of Attorney General John Ashcroft, the government grounded all the crop-dusters in America— over 5,000 planes that ordinarily spray pesticides on crops. The FBI then issued an ominous nationwide alert citing the possibility of a terrorist crop-duster attacks. The next day, before the House Committee on the Judiciary, Ashcroft testified that he had ordered these actions based on information the FBI received that these crop-dusting aircraft could be used "

September 30, 2001: Four Prominent Republicans Make Alarming Comments about Terrorists and WMDs

Four prominent Republican officials make alarming comments about terrorism and especially the use of WMDs against the US:

White House chief of staff Andrew Card says on Fox News, “I’m not trying to be an alarmist, but we know that these terrorist organizations, like al-Qaeda, run by Osama bin Laden and others, have probably found the means to use biological or chemical warfare.”

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says on NBC’s Meet the Press, “There’s always been terrorism, but there’s never really been worldwide terrorism at a time when the weapons have been as powerful as they are today, with chemical and biological and nuclear weapons spreading to countries that harbor terrorists.” He suggests several countries supporting terrorists either have WMDs or are trying to get them. “It doesn’t take a leap of imagination to expect that at some point those nations will work with those terrorist networks and assist them in achieving and obtaining those kinds of capabilities.” He does not name these countries, but the New York Times notes the next day that the US military had recently identified the WMD programs in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Sudan as cause for concern.
Representative Henry Hyde (R-IL), the chairman of the House International Relations Committee, also says on Meet the Press that biological weapons “scare” him more than nuclear weapons because they can be brought into the country “rather easily.”
The New York Times reports that there is no new intelligence behind these alarming comments. By contrast, Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, says it is unlikely terrorists are capable of making extremely deadly biological weapons. He says that terrorists might have access to weapons that use anthrax or smallpox, but while “There are those serious things… we can deal with them.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 10/1/2001]

Beginning on September 18, 2001 Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices

Two more anthrax letters are sent out between October 6-9th, 2001 to the offices of US Senators Daschle and Leahy as difficulties in passing the Patriot Act continued. The letter to Leahy is mis-routed and not discovered until mid-November. The anthrax spores used in this case were even more refined and more lethal than in the first wave.
, the anthrax letter attacks killed five people and sickened 17 others.
These letters contained the following message:
ALLAH IS GREAT. “ implicating Muslims as involved in sending these letters.

October 11-29, 2001: General Terror Alerts Issued, Terrorists Said Poised to Attack US ‘in the Next Week’

On October 11, 2001, President Bush uses his first prime-time news conference to give an update on the early stages of the war on terrorism. He confirms that the Justice Department just issued a blanket alert “in recognition of a general threat.” [CNN NEWS, 10/11/2001]

This general threat never materializes. On October 29, the administration warns again of plans to strike the United States “in the next week.” In a quickly called news conference, US Attorney General John Ashcroft says intelligence sources have found “credible” information the nation could be the focus for some sort of terrorist attack within the week. No specific information is provided to the public now or later to explain what information may have caused this alert. [CNN NEWS, 10/29/2001]

The Continuity of Government program was imitated and government officials were moved to secure locations. This action would spread the fear that some secret information not disclosed publicly pointed to a serious and pending likely another terrorist attack.
In an Oct. 27, 2001, report in the London Times, alleged that Israeli security sources said that an Iraqi official met with 9/11 patsy Mohamed Atta in the Czech Republic in April 2001. The report went on to suggest that during the rendezvous the Iraqi official gave Atta a flask of anthrax. The origin of this dubious claim was noted in the article: Israeli security sources. The chief of Czech foreign intelligence, Frantisek Bublan, later revealed that this supposed meeting never took place.
October 29, 2001: Attorney General Ashcroft Issues General Terror Alert

Attorney General John Ashcroft issues a second terror alert for the month (see October 11-29, 2001). The intelligence received by the FBI does not, he says, “contain specific information as to the type of attack or specific targets.” [RICH, 2006, PP. 36]

November 8, 2001: Ashcroft: US ‘Victorious’ in ‘Opening Battle in the War against Terrorism’
Attorney General John Ashcroft claims that “two periods of extremely high threat have passed” without incident. But in 2006, author Frank Rich will note that this assessment is based solely on Ashcroft’s word, since no evidence of actual threats will ever be advanced. [RICH, 2006, PP. 36-37]

December 12, 2001: Ridge Says Terrorist Attacks ‘Could Happen Within the Next Few Weeks’

Tom Ridge, Director of Homeland Security, warns that terrorist strikes “could happen within the next few weeks.” Ridge states that “the quantity and level of threats… have reached a threshold where we should once again place the public on general alert.” He describes the terrorists as “shadow soldiers… a shadow enemy.” [MOTHERJONES, 12/3/2001]

Richard Reid does attempt to blow up an airplane with a shoe-bomb later in the month (see December 12, 2001: Ridge Says Terrorist Attacks ‘Could Happen Within the Next Few Weeks’ On 21 December 2001, Reid attempted to board a flight from Paris to Miami, Florida. His boarding was delayed because his dishevelled physical appearance aroused the suspicions of the airline passenger screeners. In addition, Reid did not answer all of their questions, and had not checked any luggage for the transatlantic flight.

On 22 December 2001, a passenger on Flight 63 from Paris to Miami complained of a smoke smell in the cabin shortly after a meal service. One flight attendant, Hermis Moutardier, thinking she smelled a burnt match, walked along the aisles of the plane, trying to assess the source. A passenger pointed to Reid, who was sitting alone near a window and attempting to light a match. Moutardier warned him that smoking was not allowed on the airplane. Reid promised to stop. A few minutes later, Moutardier found Reid leaned over in his seat. After she asked him what he was doing, Reid grabbed at her, revealing one shoe in his lap, a fuse leading into the shoe, and a lit match. Several passengers worked together to subdue

he became radicalized and went to Pakistan and Afghanistan, where he trained and became a member of al-Qaeda.
Richard Reid - Wikipedia
TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? Just like finding a car in an airport parking lot with the names of all the alleged hijackers and etc.

Hijacker tried to get U.S. loan to buy plane
Jun 7, 2002 PER Associated Press
Johnell Bryant, a loan manager in the Department of Agriculture's Florida Farm Service Office, recalled after September 11th that Atta came to her office to get a $650,000 cash loan to finance a twin-engine, six-passenger airplane (not a crop-duster.) She said that the man had told her that he intended to build a tank in the passenger plane so he could also use it for crop-dusting. She said that the meeting had occurred in 2000, between "the third week of April to the third week of May of 2000." She was able to fix the date because the Far Service subsequently moved their office to Florida City. Bryant ask Mohamed Atta his name and he wrote down his name and spelled it A-T-T-A-H, and he told her ”No, A-T-T-A, as in Atta boy!”

While no doubt some Arab-looking man made an inquiry about getting a loan during this period, Mohamed Atta was in Germany during that time period, applying for his visa to come to the United States. He did not arrive in the United States until June 3rd 2000. If so, the person who came into Bryant's office to get a loan to buy a passenger plane in April or May 2000 could not have been Mohamed Atta. Bryant reported that Atta was a rather sinister person ready to “cut the throat” of people and that he admired Osama bin Laden.
More see: http://www.edwardjayepstein.com/nether_fictoid11.htm

The White House propaganda blitz was launched on September 7, 2002, at a Camp David press conference. British Prime Minister Tony Blair stood side by side with President George W. Bush. Together, they declared that evidence from a report published by the UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) showed that Iraq was "six months away" from building nuclear weapons.
On the following day on September 8, 2002, Judith Miller reported in the Sunday New York Times wrote, "Iraq has stepped up its quest for nuclear weapons and has embarked on a worldwide hunt for materials to make an atomic bomb, Bush administration officials said today." Miller added the phrase "The first sign of a 'smoking gun,' [these administration officials] argue, may be a mushroom cloud."
The same day Vice President Cheney made the rounds on the Sunday talk shows to advance the administration’s bogus claims. On NBC’s Meet the Press, Cheney declared that Iraq had purchased aluminum tubes to make enriched uranium. He said, "There’s a story in The New York Times this morning, and I want to attribute The Times."
It didn’t matter that the IAEA refuted this claim both before and after it was made.

Headline: U.S. Says Hussein Intensifies Quest for A-Bomb Parts," by Judith Miller and Michael R. Gordon, September 8, 2002.
These reporters quote Ahmed al-Shemri (a pseudonym), who contends that he worked in Iraq’s chemical weapons program before defecting in 2000. " 'All of Iraq is one large storage facility,' said Mr. Shemri, who claimed to have worked for many years at the Muthanna State Enterprise, once Iraq’s chemical weapons plant." The authors quote Shemri as stating that Iraq is stockpiling "12,500 gallons of anthrax, 2,500 gallons of gas gangrene, 1,250 gallons of aflatoxin, and 2,000 gallons of botulinum throughout the country."
However, UN weapons inspectors had earlier stated and US weapons inspectors confirmed in September 2003, none of these claims were true.

Bush administration makes six fake terror alerts to scare the crap out of Americans

March 2, 2002
Five or six times that the Terrorist Alert System was falsely used for political reasons

Sept 11 thru 24, 2002: Threat level raised to orange for the first time: Aschcroft said, "Al Qaeda cells in several South Asian countries have been accumulating explosives since January and may be planning car bomb or other attacks on US facilities". ," President Bush said at the Afghanistan Embassy in Washington. "We have no specific threat to America, but we're taking everything seriously," he said.

Comment: If no specific threat then why raise the threat level? (Did) Bush turned public anxiety into Republican votes (Nov 2002 elections) by arguing that the then-Democratic Senate was "not interested in the security of the American people."

For months, criticism of Bush was put on hold as Democrats scrambled to prove how cooperative and patriotic they were. Typical was House Speaker Dennis Hastert's comment about Daschle's criticism of Bush's diplomacy before the Iraq war. He said, Daschle had come mighty close to giving aid and comfort to our adversaries. http://www.eriposte.com/war_peace/911/911.htm

Senators Back President Bush on Iraq Resolution (S. J. Res. 46), October 2, 2002:

March 17 thru Apr 16, 2003: Threat level raised to orange and activates Operation Liberty Shield: "While al-Qaida remains the principal concern, we are also concerned Iraqi state agents, Iraqi surrogate groups or ad hoc groups or disgruntled individuals might choose to use the time period as well to launch attacks against the United States or against our coalition partners," said Homeland Security spokesman Gordon Johndroe.

Comment: Still trying to sell the lies about links to Iraq and al-Qaeda using the raised terrorist alerts to scare Americans into supporting the war.

19 March 2003, US military invades Iraq (D+1).

May 28, 2004 The latest hype from Ashcroft stating Al Qaeda's is now 90% ready to conduct their next attack on the US (up from the 70% intelligence agencies' estimate).

Attorney General John Ashcroft warned of an attack planned on America for sometime in the coming months. That may happen, but NBC News has learned one of Ashcroft's sources is highly suspect. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5087301/

Comment: Bush's poll numbers are going down after the torture incidents are coming to light, so this is the time to put the fear of god into America. This is the perfect time to try to convince voters that violations of the Geneva Convention could be justified in the face of the new threats.

The New York Times reporter Judith Miller acknowledged in The Wall Street Journal on April 4, 2015 that some of her coverage about WMDs was inaccurate. On May 26, 2004, a week after the CIA and DIA apparently severed ties with Ahmed Chalabi, a Times editorial acknowledged that some of the paper's coverage in the run-up to the war had relied too heavily on Ahmed Chalabi and other Iraqi exiles, who were bent on regime change. Miller story, claimed that trailers found in Iraq had been shown to be mobile weapons labs. However, that claim too was subsequently refuted as false.

July 9, 2004 Ridge Warns of 'Credible' al-Qaida Plot
President Bush's approval rating slipping as a result of setbacks in the Iraq war. On July 8, 2004, Republicans, under strong pressure from the White House, narrowly defeated an effort by Democrats to water down the Bush administration's signature law to combat domestic terrorism, THE Patriot ACT.

By a 210 to 210 tie vote that GOP leaders prolonged for 23 tumultuous minutes while they corralled dissident members, the House rejected a proposed change to the USA Patriot Act that would have barred the Justice Department from searching bookstore and library records. White House officials, citing the nearly three-year-old law's importance as an anti-terrorism tool, warned that an attempt to weaken it would be vetoed.

On August 1, 2004, just days after the Democratic National Convention nominated presidential candidate John Kerry on a national security platform, the Bush Administration raised its terror threat level to "Code Orange," or high, for certain cities with major financial institutions.

In a press conference to announce the change, which stepped on the Kerry storyline coming out of the convention, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge described the source of the intelligence that led to the color change:

Ridge said at this time: [W]e must understand that the kind of information available to us today is the result of the President's leadership in the war against terror. The reports that have led to this alert are the result of offensive intelligence and military operations overseas, as well as strong partnerships with our allies around the world, such as Pakistan.

August 20, 2009 Tom Ridge reveals that Attorney General John Ashcroft and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld argued in favor of raising the threat level by noting the correlation it had with Bush's approval rating:

Neither Mr. Ridge nor any of the department's security experts thought the message warranted any change in the nation's alert status.

To understand the import of this admission, we must remember the politically charged mood of national insecurity that dominated in 2004. For months, there had been significant buzz about a possible Al Qaeda attack, which never materialized. The issue became a regular topic of debate and discussion within the media, spreading a message of continuing insecurity that clearly aided President Bush's campaign themes.

A week after the alerts were raised in August, for instance, the discussion of another attack dominated the Sunday talk shows. As CNN noted at the time, "The decision to raise the alert level to orange, or elevated, for specific buildings in New York City; Newark, New Jersey; and Washington, D.C., has been criticized because it was based at least partly on information three or four years old."

By late October, The New York Times was writing about just how little was known about any possible plans for an attack.

On November 10, 2004 just eight days after President Bush was elected for the second time), the Department of Homeland Security downgraded the "orange" alert for the financial services sector back to "yellow". The threat had apparently passed.

Twenty-Three Intel Experts Say LA Terror Plot a Sham
A dirty bomb is NO more dangerous than a regular bomb. We just have to use more care and effort to clean up the mess
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Edited >1 y ago
I listened to the EC-121 surveillance tapes and read the transcripts of the communication intercepts. This was a sad day in the history of both nations. Warmest Regards, Sandy
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