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Responses: 2
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Great share Elijah.
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1stSgt Nelson Kerr
A great scam,no population, no government, No laws and a incompetent from selling novelty passports to the gullible,
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA the nation has no unifying principle no established population the only goal seems to avoid taxes and I simply do not believe that any serious negotiations are happening. This is like Sealand or The Conch Republic or any of a multitude of sillineses has that some people took seriously. It is another dimwitted Randian joke
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
6 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - the unifying principle is the same as the one here, except with lessons learned from here and elsewhere: Freedom. There is a growing population. You're right about an aversion to taxes.
Sealand was not remotely serious. He sold passports to tourists and made the whole permanent population royalty.
The Conch Republic was not serious, although it addressed serious concerns. They waged war with a piece of bread and surrendered after one minute. The issue was being treated like they were outside the country.
No one took those seriously, because they were not serious.
Liberland is a serious endeavor to create a new country on terra nullius, founded on the principles of freedom. Liberland meets all the qualifications of a state under international law.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
There are still currently no people living there so the population is zero, and they still haven't figured out how to do even the basics of government operations without employees or money. Other thsan the freedom to leech off the work of other what specific freedoms are they offering that their neighbors do not offer.

BTW if they were serous they would have renounced their exiting citizenship when they founded the nation.
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
6 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr there are citizens, which means there is a population. Sometimes citizens live in foreign countries. Sometimes governments are set up in foreign countries. I'm sure you know about this from history classes. Government operations are happening. Liberland citizens ask very little of the government, which can make it seem strange to someone who has a different values system.

You know people have multiple citizenships, right? Because the Liberland passport only gets you into around ten countries right now, its prudent to retain your prior citizenships when getting a Liberland citizenship.
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