Posted on Jul 6, 2018
Trump Admin. Officials 'Destroyed' Records of Immigrant Kids Separated from Their Parents: Report...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I wonder if any of the democrats upset about this are equally upset that the archivist in charge of the National Archives, David Ferriero, has "ran into a serious problem: A lot of key [ Obama administration ] records are missing."
"And yet the accumulation of recent congressional testimony has made it clear that the Obama administration itself engaged in the wholesale destruction and “loss” of tens of thousands of government records..."
"And yet the accumulation of recent congressional testimony has made it clear that the Obama administration itself engaged in the wholesale destruction and “loss” of tens of thousands of government records..."
Yes, I agree, is unf***ingbelieveable. This is another story where the "writer" has not a single source on the record and only lobs accusations. The writer at is quoting another story from the NYT that has no sources. If you think this is journalism then you are part of the problem.
It is funny that the "most disturbing" part of the story is the part that uses anonymous sources at DHS to buttress the story. It is an accusation without an accuser. Yes, unf***ingbelivable.
It is funny that the "most disturbing" part of the story is the part that uses anonymous sources at DHS to buttress the story. It is an accusation without an accuser. Yes, unf***ingbelivable.
Patricia Overmeyer
Anonymous sources can't be trusted? Or is it that you don't believe anonymous sources if they are in media which you do not like?
The NYT article actually cited two anonymous sources inside DHS as stating records had been destroyed. Customs agents deleted computer records of the initial records, which included "family identification number". Once those records were deleted then computer systems were unable to "match" families as it didn't show they were related in any way. Furthermore, this information has already been reported by administrative officials to the attorneys who are working on reunifying immigrant families in Texas, Arizona and California. It is one of the reasons the government is seeking to have the deadline for reunification extended.
The NYT article actually cited two anonymous sources inside DHS as stating records had been destroyed. Customs agents deleted computer records of the initial records, which included "family identification number". Once those records were deleted then computer systems were unable to "match" families as it didn't show they were related in any way. Furthermore, this information has already been reported by administrative officials to the attorneys who are working on reunifying immigrant families in Texas, Arizona and California. It is one of the reasons the government is seeking to have the deadline for reunification extended.
Cpl Jeff N.
Patricia Overmeyer - Destroyed records would be a crime. If these DHS agents/officials have knowledge of it they should be going to an inspector not some reporter at the NYT. Who are these officials? what level of the agency are they at? Have they filed an official report on this to their superiors? You see, this is the thing about unnamed sources. They can be anyone or no one/made up. I don't accept any story using unnamed sources whether I like it or not.
Ch Maccarthy
Patricia Overmeyer - Spoken like a true commie! Anonymous sources for everything that no one can verify is called RUMOUR. Slandering someone with stuff that can't be proven is bullcrap. Innocent until proven guilty, right to face your accuser ever hear of the US CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS you flipping commie!!!!!
Patricia Overmeyer
Thank you for your deep legal interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. I had never heard of those two documents before. Guess I need to go find out what these documents are.
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