Posted on Jul 5, 2018
Bombs, Not Broadcasts: U.S. Preference for Kinetic Strategy in Asymmet
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Good morning LTC,
"Even though the mass public readily accepts information as an influence technique in terms of consumer marketing or political campaigns, the issue public coalition argues that inform and influence..."
"When policymakers commit the United States to an asymmetric conflict, such as Libya in 2011 or fighting the IS in Iraq and Syria starting in 2014, the military is primarily responsible for planning and executing strategy."
"Fulbright believed that any attempt by the executive branch to “manufacture opinion” domestically or to foreign audiences was undemocratic, akin to “brainwashing.”
I picked these above stated quotes for my post.
I think the mass public should be renamed as low information voters accepts information. Not mass public... The article misleads by equating Libya with fighting ISIS. Fighting ISIS physically is a rightious fight. Libya, what the *** was the reason to destroy them? So, ISIS could move in? It is not brainwashing if we are proud of our culture and need our children to grow up standing during the National Anthem.
It is my undestanding the military uses information as a weapon since 1991. We took signals and reworded them and sent them back to commanders of the enemy. Their army went in different directions when they needed to act as one. The US military might have been able to do that before. But I am not aware of it. No one tells a Cpl. anything.
Shouldn't we get much better at controlling the narrative? All we have to do is promote our way of life. With the Islamic enemy we need to control their production of their narrative.
I thought this article and the message was one of the best articles on thought process I have seen on RP. We have the brightest minds. Shouldn't we lead in being honest and getting our correct culture out there as an example for everyone?
Have a great day Sir.
"Even though the mass public readily accepts information as an influence technique in terms of consumer marketing or political campaigns, the issue public coalition argues that inform and influence..."
"When policymakers commit the United States to an asymmetric conflict, such as Libya in 2011 or fighting the IS in Iraq and Syria starting in 2014, the military is primarily responsible for planning and executing strategy."
"Fulbright believed that any attempt by the executive branch to “manufacture opinion” domestically or to foreign audiences was undemocratic, akin to “brainwashing.”
I picked these above stated quotes for my post.
I think the mass public should be renamed as low information voters accepts information. Not mass public... The article misleads by equating Libya with fighting ISIS. Fighting ISIS physically is a rightious fight. Libya, what the *** was the reason to destroy them? So, ISIS could move in? It is not brainwashing if we are proud of our culture and need our children to grow up standing during the National Anthem.
It is my undestanding the military uses information as a weapon since 1991. We took signals and reworded them and sent them back to commanders of the enemy. Their army went in different directions when they needed to act as one. The US military might have been able to do that before. But I am not aware of it. No one tells a Cpl. anything.
Shouldn't we get much better at controlling the narrative? All we have to do is promote our way of life. With the Islamic enemy we need to control their production of their narrative.
I thought this article and the message was one of the best articles on thought process I have seen on RP. We have the brightest minds. Shouldn't we lead in being honest and getting our correct culture out there as an example for everyone?
Have a great day Sir.
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