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Responses: 5
SCPO Larry Knight Sr.
Makes absolute perfect sense. It's high time we reverse the Clinton debacle in reducing our fleet from 600 ship Navy to 1/2 in strength? I think we've seen enough evidence of what the real plan was by all this shit. It's just like a command I served aboard USS Cape Cod AD-43, this was one of the most important additions to the fleet. This vessels abilities coupled with their accomplishments were phenomenal and yet it was decommissioned in such a short span of Hull life expectancy. I've always felt that the admiral's in years past, were so intimidated by the political process into making irrational decisions regarding a lot of these ships. So definitely revitalize the recent deactivated commands, it really used to amaze me when I saw all the combatants and non-combatants in moffball fleet status. So many of these were sold off to scrap yards for impending disposal, it was enough to make you sick and in some cases shed a tear !
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CDR Dan Cunningham
Sure we did - don't you recall the NTU Cruisers? They poured in hundreds of millions into the Combat Systems and barely touched the plant. Then they decommissioned those ships a handful of years later. Nothing like launching a SM-2(ER) 30 seconds after an AEGIS ship and having your missile reach the target first.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Has to be cost effective and safe
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