Posted on Jun 24, 2018
Trump pushes tough immigration stance in Nevada appearance
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
He has no choice but to spin this. He made a promise that was impossible to keep without congress, the DOJ, HHS, and DHS ALL working together. Problem is congress and the president are light years apart. You can’t tweet you’re 1000% behind a process, and then abandon those who you’re pressuring to get it done. Trump has a Republican Congress that is doing less for him than they did with Obama’s last two years in office. You can’t even place the blame solely on the democratics when both houses are controlled by the GOP and even they can’t agree. Stumping for Heller isn’t a good look for Hellers re-election bid. Congress needs an overhaul but having the dems take over will only hurt Trump and the rest of us with Pelosi and Schumer at the helm.
Susan Foster
I see R's blaming D's but he can't even unite the R's. We needed a uniter so badly, and he's a disruptor. Now he's advocating denying those who cross the border illegally their due process. He thinks that will carry a big red wave into the midterms, but if it does I am going to be even more depressed about this country. That's not what he took an oath to do.
SSG Warren Swan
Susan Foster - I'm truly aghast at the thought of denying anyone due process just because you think you can. If you could actually do this (which I believe he cannot), would show a total and complete disregard for law enforcement against anyone, any group, for anything he deems fit. Once they make it in, they should and NEED to be afforded the opportunity to have an unbiased judge listen to them, and qualified attorney's represent them until the end of the case. To throw them out like that goes against everything this country stands for, and would add fire to the argument of "justice for some, but definitely NOT all.
We did need a unifier in office, but with the sheer polarization in politics that wasn't started with just Obama or Bush, you could put Jesus in that chair behind that desk, and there will be those who find fault with his practices. Being president is one job you cannot win doing. At the same time, it's a job where your honest influence, honest compassion, and tireless and selfless dedication to the country could give you a "win". We're not winning when all you think about is yourself.
We did need a unifier in office, but with the sheer polarization in politics that wasn't started with just Obama or Bush, you could put Jesus in that chair behind that desk, and there will be those who find fault with his practices. Being president is one job you cannot win doing. At the same time, it's a job where your honest influence, honest compassion, and tireless and selfless dedication to the country could give you a "win". We're not winning when all you think about is yourself.
Susan Foster
SSG Warren Swan - Yes you are so right. We needed a unifier in the worst way. Had he been that type leader, this whole country could be on the road to healing after that awful campaign, rather than more divided than ever. He is everything I predicted, but worse (and I couldn't support either of them). I always think of leaders along the terms of ADRP 6-22, Leadership (our Army manual--I used to teach that). He did not have one leadership trait or competency. Not one. I knew at his age he wasn't likely to develop any. But I do expect him to support the Constitution. People who don't find this appalling just don't get it. If you can deny due process to any group, you can do it to any other group. No one is safe. DT lives completely in his ego; it's all about him and what he can get out of it. Some people see that as a strength, but it isn't. The only thing that feeds an ego is praise and approval. I'll bet you he never has a moment of worrying about what a good leader is. Nor a moment of joy--except when he's in front of a crowd who's applauding.
SSG Warren Swan
I seriously didn’t want another Clinton or Bush in office. I watched the debates and Gov. Kasich was the one who I thought would be it. He has the experience to deal with congress on both sides, experience in dealing with world leaders, I considered him a moderate. An open moderate. I hated almost all of the GOP contendors, especially Cruz. If he had to buy integrity, he wouldn’t be able to afford it. On the flip of this, the DNC was dead wrong in how they structured their candidates. O’Malley would’ve gotten my vote before either of the other two. He also expressed his dissatisfaction with the party on how the whole thing was set up for a ringer and that ringer was HRC. I’m damned sure that won’t happen in 20(thank goodness),
Susan Foster
I wish every congressman and woman would remind him of that. But then they would get tweeted on.
MSG Stan Hutchison
Susan Foster - Yep,, they would be called unAmerican, traitors, losers, RINOs or worse.
speaking of immigration why is it that all of his three of his wives weren't American?
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