Posted on Jun 18, 2018
Sessions cites Bible to defend separating immigrant families
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that there is supposed to be a clear line between church and state, the fact the US recognizes no official religion, or the fact that he uses incorrect scriptures to justify an issue that was done before a few times in this very country rather than just admit as a man, this is MY idea, what I want based upon my law enforcement position without using religion as a crutch, or that the press secretary has absolutely no clue to support the thought when asked other than its ‘biblical’ to follow the law. There is nothing biblical about doing the speed limit. Nothing biblical about not drinking and driving. Nothing biblical about the UCMJ. And it’s a shame that in this instance rather than stop the practice, deflect the issue on the dems, knowing with two words this policy could stop the next day. I don’t care about anyones religions beliefs. It’s their right. I do not like to have ones religion force fed to me or to justify bad and ignorant behavior. As a Christian i find it disposable that they would use scripture as a means to an end. Funny how slavery was also justified in the Bible when folks knew it was wrong as hell.
If we’re going to begin using any religion as a justification to do anything, what’s the difference between the US and any Islamic state who clearly uses their interpretation of Islam to make and enforce laws we cannot mentality, physically, or morally tolerate?
If we’re going to begin using any religion as a justification to do anything, what’s the difference between the US and any Islamic state who clearly uses their interpretation of Islam to make and enforce laws we cannot mentality, physically, or morally tolerate?
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