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LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
Thank you my friend TSgt Joe C. for making us aware that on June 14, 1863 the small Federal garrison at Winchester, Virginia was summarily defeated by the Army of Northern Virginia on the path of the 2nd and final Confederate invasion attempt to take Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
The Army of Northern Virginia began the assault on June 13, 1863.
Federal General Maj. Gen. Robert H. Milroy was fighting a delaying action - he attempted to hold Winchester and after he lost it to the flanking assault by Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell;

CSA General Robert E. Lee hoped the Confederates could take the Pennsylvania capital and drive a wedge in between the Northern states to the east and those to the west.
Once this campaign was shattered, the CSA lost the strategic capability to bring the war north.

Background from nps.gov/abpp/shenandoah/svs3-7.html
"SECOND WINCHESTER (13-15 June 1863)
County: Frederick VA, and City of Winchester
General Location: Valley Pike (US 11 at Abrams Creek), Apple Pie Ridge and ``Louisiana Heights'' W of town, West Fort, Fort Milroy, and Star Fort; S. of present day Stephenson's (US 11 S of 761)

Campaign: Gettysburg Campaign

Principal Commanders: [c] Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell; [u] Maj. Gen. Robert H. Milroy

Forces Engaged: [c] Second Corps ANV, two divisions (Early and Johnson), about 12,500; [u] Three infantry brigades (Elliott, Ely, McReynolds), numbering about 7,000

Casualties: [c] 269 (47k/219w/3m); [u] 4,443 (95k/373w/3,975m&c)

Significance: After the Battle of Brandy Station (9 June 1863), Gen. Robert E. Lee launched his plan for a second invasion of the north. He ordered the Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, under Maj. Gen. Richard Ewell to attack the US force at Winchester and clear the Lower Valley of Union opposition. In the resulting three-day battle (13-15 June), Ewell's corps defeated, routed, and nearly destroyed a US division under Maj. Gen. Robert Milroy. This victory (the apogee of Ewell's career) offered high hopes for the success of Lee's second invasion of the North, hopes that were dashed on the battlefield of Gettysburg in July. In the words of Confederate artillerist Maj. Robert Stiles, ``This battle of Winchester ... was one of the most perfect pieces of work the Army of Northern Virginia ever did.'' The battle was won by deft flanking maneuvers and underscores the inadequacy of relying on entrenchments when confronted by a mobile attacking force.

Description of the Battle
Prelude (12 June): On 12 June 1863, the Second Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia under Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell, three divisions nearly 19,000 strong, entered the Valley at Chester Gap and pressed on to Front Royal. Two divisions under Maj. Gen. Jubal A. Early and Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson continued north on the Valley Pike and the Front Royal Road to converge on the Union defenders of Winchester under Maj. Gen. Robert Milroy. Despite the superior forces that were rumored to be approaching, Milroy was confident that the strength of his fortifications would enable him to repel the Confederates or withstand a siege. The ridges west of town were heavily fortified and consisted of trenches linking central strong points or ``forts''. The strongest of these were Fort Milroy and Star Fort. West Fort, a redoubt of six guns, featured prominently in the action.

Phase One. US Dispositions (13 June): On 13 June, Milroy advanced elements of Elliott's brigade to Pritchard's Hill at Kernstown and sent elements of Ely's brigade to intercept any advance on the Front Royal Pike. McReynolds brigade was at Berryville.

Phase Two. CS Advance on Front Royal Pike (13 June): Edward Johnson's Division of four brigades (Steuart, Williams, Walker, Jones) advanced on the Front Royal Pike driving back Union pickets. Approaching the intersection of Millwood Road about 1400 hours, Johnson deployed and swept forward, driving Union skirmishers from behind stone fences. US troops withdrew to high ground north of Abrams Creek under cover of a battery and the heavy guns of Fort Milroy. Johnson brought up a battery and engaged Union field artillery, driving several pieces from the field. The CS guns lacked the range to reply to Fort Milroy's guns and eventually were forced to withdraw. Johnson's advance was stalled, and he awaited the arrival of Early's division to the west on the Valley Pike.

Phase Three. CS Advance on Valley Pike (13 June): Early's division of four brigades (Hays, Smith, Avery, Gordon) marched toward Winchester on the Valley Pike in conjunction with Johnson's division on the Front Royal Road. Late afternoon, Early's column reached the outskirts of Kernstown and drove back the US skirmish line encountered at Pritchard's Hill. US forces retreated to Cedar Creek Grade and briefly counterattacked, but Early extended his line to the west, out-flanking successive Union positions. US cavalry attacked several times up the Valley Pike to ease pressure on the infantry. Eventually, the Union force retreated north of Abrams Creek under cover of the heavy guns from Bower's Hill and Fort Milroy.

Phase Four. Milroy Withdraws into the Forts (13 June): After dark Milroy concentrated his forces inside a triangle defined by Fort Milroy, Star Fort, and West Fort. McReynolds' brigade reached Fort Milroy after marching a round-about route from Berryville, harassed by Confederate cavalry. Milroy's soldiers had fought well during the previous afternoon, and he was confident that he could withstand renewed Confederate assaults in the morning. In the meantime, Ewell ordered his third division under Maj. Gen. Robert E. Rodes to advance on Martinsburg via Berryville to cut off Milroy's retreat in that direction.

Phase Five. Early's Flank March (14 June): At dawn of 14 June, one of Early's brigades (Gordon) swept forward to capture Bower's Hill with little resistance. Johnson extended his line to the right against very light opposition; there was fitful skirmishing in the streets of Winchester. Early and Ewell conferred on Bower's Hill and decided on a flanking strategy. Gordon's brigade and two batteries were left on Bower's Hill, while Early led his three other brigades back to Cedar Creek Grade, west beyond Apple Pie Ridge where it was out of view of US fortifications, then north over Cloverdale Plantation to Walnut Grove. His column was accompanied by 20 guns. While Early made this march, Johnson advanced a line of skirmishers on the right to occupy the Federals' attention. The CS batteries on Bower's Hill opened up, touching off a duel with the Union guns in Fort Milroy. By mid-afternoon, Early's force had gained a position opposite West Fort on Apple Pie Ridge. Eight guns were positioned on the Brierly Farm northwest of the fort, while 12 guns were placed in an orchard southwest of the fort. By this time the field had quieted, and the US forces believed that the Confederates had been repulsed from Winchester.

Phase Six. Attack on West Fort (14 June): About 1800 hours, Early's artillery opened fire on West Fort. The twenty guns fired for 45 minutes, while Brig. Gen. Harry T. Hays stealthily advanced his Louisiana brigade through the corn and wheat fields at the base of Apple Pie Ridge. On command, the brigade rushed forward across 300 yards of open fields and swept upward into the works. After a brief hand-to-hand struggle, US defenders abandoned the works, retreating to Fort Milroy. Hays was supported in the attack by two brigades (Smith and Avery). Early consolidated his line on West Fort Ridge, but darkness prevented further gains. An artillery duel continued until long after dark. After the battle, Ewell christened West Fort Ridge as ``Louisiana Heights'' in honor of Hays's brigade.

Phase Seven. Johnson's Flank March (14-15 June): Ewell assumed that Milroy would retreat during the night and ordered Johnson to prevent his escape by cutting the Charles Town Road. About 2100 hours, Johnson (with Steuart's and Williams's brigades and 8 guns) marched north to Berryville Pike and west to Jordan Springs Road, where he turned north toward Stephenson's Depot. About midnight, the Stonewall brigade disengaged and joined the rear of the column, leaving one brigade (Jones) astride the Berryville Pike east of town.

Phase Eight. US Withdrawal (14-15 June): After conferring with his officers, Milroy made the decision to try to ``cut their way through'' to Harpers Ferry on the old Charles Town Road. All of the cannons were spiked and their carriages destroyed. Shortly after midnight, the Union soldiers left their works so quietly that Early's Confederates did not know they were gone until morning. The column massed in the low ground between Star Fort and Fort Milroy, then moved down the railroad and the Valley Pike toward the Charles Town crossroad, just south of Stephenson's Depot.

Phase Nine. US Surrender at Stephenson's Depot (15 June): Near dawn, Johnson's skirmishers encountered the head of Milroy's retreating column near the intersection of the Valley Pike and old Charles Town road. Milroy faced his column to the right on the pike and prepared to fight his way out of a ``murderous trap.'' Johnson deployed his regiments along Milburn Road as they came up and advanced to the railroad and placed two guns on either side of the Charles Town Road railroad bridge. The rest of the artillery was deployed on the heights east of Milburn Road. As it grew light, US forces made several desperate but uncoordinated attacks against the bridge and railroad embankment.

The Confederates were being steadily reinforced and repulsed each attempt. The Stonewall brigade now came up in line of battle north of the road and advanced to cut the Valley Pike. This was the final blow; Union regiments hoisted the white flag. Between 2,500 and 3,000 surrendered. Milroy and his staff, and other small units escaped to the west. (Note: US casualty figures for Second Winchester vary widely. This is explained by the fact that about two thousand Union soldiers not belonging to Milroy's command were in field hospitals in the city and were often added to the number of captured and missing. Milroy, of course, played down his losses.)"

The Battle of Second Winchester - June 14, 1863
Ranger Eric Campbell discussing day 2 of the 2nd Battle of Winchester.

FYI SGT John MeredithMSgt John McGowanMSgt David M.LTC Jeff ShearerSGT Philip RoncariCPT Jim GallagherLt Col Jim CoeCWO3 Dennis M.SGT (Join to see)PO3 Bob McCordSgt Albert Castro1SG John MillanSSgt Boyd Herrst TSgt Rodney BidingerSGT Jim ArnoldSFC Randy PurhamCDR (Join to see) MSG Brian Ross PO3 Phyllis Maynard
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