Posted on Jun 13, 2018
A Five-Point Strategy to Oppose Russian Narrative Warfare
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 3
The truth of the matter is that the US has lost its ability to project soft power, it simply has little to offer The Wider world.
LTC Eric Udouj
I might disagree - as to having lost it. I would say we have instead failed in our abilities to focus soft power and to synchronize it. It almost sounds same as losing it - but the capabilities are there... the abilities are lacking.
I enjoyed the article/essay. Mr. Cobaugh's tone of writing, IMO, is America is the greatest nation that has stepped foot on this planet. I share that opinion.
The problem I see, is all the major news outlets are working hard to mislead the American voter already. Half the country think Marxism us just fine. A few decades ago, Homosexuality was not moral. Now, half the country thinks it is a norm.
The media is being used to cause Americans to think a North American Union is just fine. The Constitution is a living document, etc..
We have to get rid of the enemies within first to counter any Russian narrative.
Just my quick thoughts on this subject over my cell phone Sir.
I enjoyed the article/essay. Mr. Cobaugh's tone of writing, IMO, is America is the greatest nation that has stepped foot on this planet. I share that opinion.
The problem I see, is all the major news outlets are working hard to mislead the American voter already. Half the country think Marxism us just fine. A few decades ago, Homosexuality was not moral. Now, half the country thinks it is a norm.
The media is being used to cause Americans to think a North American Union is just fine. The Constitution is a living document, etc..
We have to get rid of the enemies within first to counter any Russian narrative.
Just my quick thoughts on this subject over my cell phone Sir.
LTC Eric Udouj
Mark - I find it hard to be able to counter anything when the Other Guys know your news cycle and who in that cycle is desperately looking for anything that runs with their slanted view. It is far easier to target using that than to do so in most other countries. Roger on the Ghost of old Karl - some prefer not to recall how it failed in the past and in the present because of that one critical aspect.... it reads mankind wrong when the dictatorship of the proletariat is actually in placed. Wonderful government in Cuba and Nicaragua and Venezuela.......
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