As the battle of the Little Big Horn nears, here is the the most decorated Custer, Tom who received two Medals of Honor for actions in the Civil War.
First Award - Civil War
Second Award - Civil War
Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, Company B, 6th Michigan Cavalry. Place and date: At Namozine Church, Va., 10 May 1863. Entered service at: Monroe, Mich. Birth: New Rumley, Ohio, 25 June 1845. Date of issue: 3 May 1865.
(1st) Citation:
Capture of flag on 10 May 1863.
Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, Company B, 6th Michigan Cavalry. Place and date: At Sailor Creek , Va, 6 April 1865. Entered service at: Monroe, Mich. Birth: New Rumley, Ohio, 25 June 1845. Date of issue: 26 May 1865.
(2nd) Citation:
2d Lt. Custer leaped his horse over the enemy's works and captured 2 stands of colors. having his horse shot from under him and receiving a severe wound.