Posted on Jun 6, 2018
Donald Trump Twitter: Justice Department appeals judge’s ruling that president can’t block users
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
Here's the thing. Trump uses his private twitter account to tweet about policy and decisions regarding his presidency, President is a proxy for our Federal Government, and out government cannot block or disallow any private citizen access to that government (unless it involves National Security). He therefor CANNOt block ANYONE from access to his private twitter account. Now, if he used his private twitter account for only things having to do with himself or his family and nothing to on with any policy or government action, he could block whoever he damn well pleases. It's his own damn fault, he got himself into this mess in the first place.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
I agree with one exception - since Twitter is NOT a public domain entity (it is in fact a private company), Mr./President Trump may report for exclusion any Tweeter who violates Twitter terms of service, to include threatening language.
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