Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
What a childish statement. I mean you were in the military. I would think you might at least act like an adult on a public forum.
SGT John Meredith
Child grow up. I mean honestly 3.8 % unemployment. The lowest since 1968 I believe. African American at it's lowest ever recorded. Women's at it's lowest. Business's coming back to America. Tech companies hiring at a record pace.Employers having a hard time filling positions. North Korea actually may,I repeat, may denuclearize.At least he's not hanging out with people who are actually are racist like Obama. Yes Obama was seen grinning from ear to ear hanging out with Louis Farrakhan, you know the guy that said whitey must die and death to Israel. Let's not forget that his minister kept saying God d*mn America.
MAJ James Woods
Trump 2016: "Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment," Trump said. "The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."
So now we're supposed to believe the BLS reported numbers but not when there was a Black president that helped lowered those numbers and give a recovering economy to Trump to either continue bolstering or screw up. You should grow up and stop hating on Obama.
So now we're supposed to believe the BLS reported numbers but not when there was a Black president that helped lowered those numbers and give a recovering economy to Trump to either continue bolstering or screw up. You should grow up and stop hating on Obama.
SGT John Meredith
Typical anti Trump response. I would expect more from someone who was capable of making your rank. I wasn't getting this information from FOX News.This was also noted on ABC and CBS news. Both definitely not Trump supporters. You're educated enough to look this up,do a fact check, not make the military look like fools for promoting you when you cannot check out the facts.I don't believe it says anywhere that African American unemployment fell to 4 %. Unemployment as a whole is 3.8. African American is at an historic all time all time low. As is Hispanic and women's is lowest since 1968 I believe it said.
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