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Responses: 5
CPT Jack Durish
How do you piss off an enemy? Don't submit...
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
Interesting read
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
Good afternoon Sir,
I read the article. It is the first article I thought was telling a more true truth about the enemy. However, I do not agree with the following: "the radical Darul Uloom Jamia Haqqania madrassa"
It is only radical to us LTC. They are following Muhammad's orders.
When we first sent Special Operations into Afganistan after 9/11 we found an ally in the Northern Alliance which was in the northeast of the country and controlled less than 90% of same. Now, we have been in country for over 17 years with what to show for it? Blood and money loss.
Shouldn't we rethink our future there? IMO we should fortify our allies, if we still have them in the northeast, secure what areas we think are important to us and bleed the enemy.
If you agree, please make sure the enemy has to attack uphill and the avenues of approach cause maximum loss of the enemies will to attack.
Off topic sort of: Is the Taliban and Al Qieda the same now? Did they ever consider themselves seperate? They appear to be Sunnis under the same flag of operations. ISIS would blend in with them as well. How can we control the narritive?
Thank you for reading my post LTC.
LTC Eric Udouj
LTC Eric Udouj
6 y
We discussed this article 7 months back Mark. lol Hope you saw the article on Afghanistan after 5 years. This was the recommendations that the very senior level of government ignored back then... as he often seems to have done with anything related to advise from the military. As to Aq and Taliban... no.. not the same and not likely to be as such. Very different end goals. Do you recall 2 years back when the pundits were spewing nonsense about AQ and IS teaming up and how that looked like the future. They missed that one real good... missed the point of competition in other places for the same recruits and funds.. and the politics of jihad. Also - take a look at this from the Taliban--- we still do not count Pakistanis as foreign fighters.. .. https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2018/12/taliban-commander-admits-thousands-of-foreign-fighters-are-embedded-within-group.php
LTC Eric Udouj
LTC Eric Udouj
6 y
I have no clue as to the WHY we do not... then again - we miscounted for political reasons for years.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
6 y
Sorry. I did not notice the posting date. I know we saw them different in the beginning. But, they sure seem cozy together.
Have a good day LTC.
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