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Responses: 11
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Excellent share David, thank you.
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LTC Stephen C.
Edited 4 y ago
SGT (Join to see), Lindbergh was an extraordinary man. He was extraordinarily good and he was extraordinarily bad. His relationship with the Germans and his ideas about race were appalling. He had seven children by three women, none of whom were his wife. In some ways, he appears to be a very ordinary man who did something quite extraordinary. After that, much was expected, and he really didn’t live up to expectations, and because of being in the public eye, he really took it on the chin. People don’t like to hear these things about Lindbergh, but his life was much, much more than the life of a virtuous man who made the first solo, nonstop trip across the Atlantic Ocean.

Having said that, my wife and I have made the tortuous, arduous and sometimes dangerous drive (the famous road to Hana and beyond) to his gravesite twice. It’s difficult to find, and the locals and the park rangers aren’t helpful (on purpose). He is buried on the grounds of the Palapala Ho'omau Church in Kipahulu, Maui. The church is located in the red section of the outline of Maui near the coast (attached). It is reached by taking the Hana road which follows the east coast from Kahului all the way to the church.
Capt Daniel Goodman LTC Stephen F. COL Mikel J. Burroughs Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT (Join to see) SP5 Joel O'Brien SGT Mark Anderson SGT (Join to see) SGT Robert Pryor
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
That's why I can't watch that old bomb with Jimmy Stewart about him making the flight, Jimmy Stewart was the real thing, Lindbergh was quite clearly a fraud, in my view, I grant my valuation of him might be simplistic, however, I'm afraid his history has rather !ademits judgment of him, a lot of what he did, to my mind, at least, on reflection, actually seemsmpretty slimy, to tell you the truth. I've read a goof deal of his wartime journal from WW2, and, to my mind, the real one of his generation in that period was Rickenbackerz, he was just as heroic, with none of the slime, I've read his autobio also, which was actually a far more unusual book, if you ever get a chance to compare the two, honestz at least to me. I realize I could be wrong, I realize he might simply have been completely out of hismdepthz given Hus fame, however, no way, no how, can any of those inadequacies even remotely justify the whole German thing, the eugenic thing, and the bigamy thing, all taken in concert. I realize he evaded FDRs restrictions in him during WW2 by going up in combat as a contractor, however, given what he die, how Eisenhower ever rcould s3e hisnwaynto reappoint him after WW2 was simply because the social mores of the period didn't let his peccadillos be discussed openly back then. He quite clearly knew what he was doing with all thosembigamies, he man was morally defective, but he wasn't a nitwit, at least not in that sense...his whole marriage was a farce, I grant what happened to the baby probably didn't help he state of minds of him or his wife however, to carry on in such a totally overt fashion was simply beyond reprehensible. When one adds in the whole German thing, as well as the whole eugenic thing, the combination obviously tends to leave one with Rather an unpalatable thistoricwl taste in one's mouth you know?
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
And I don't view the accumulation of such peccadillos as extraordinary, I view them as pretty warped, actually, as I said, I know immgonna be likely disagreedmwih, plus, it was all a very long time ago, I realize that, howecer, in his case, there was, quite clearly, a whole lot more NAD than good, quite self evidently, as least from what I can perceive....
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SP5 Joel O'Brien
Sidebar: My wife is attending a reading this Saturday of "Two Lives", a new book by Reeve Lindbergh, daughter of aviator-authors Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh.
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
He certainly lived it. SP5 Joel O'Brien
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
>1 y
SP5 Joel O'Brien, I think your wife may be learning that Reeve Lindbergh is writing of her father’s life in the U.S. and his European life with three mistresses and seven children, born out of wedlock, obviously.
SP5 Joel O'Brien
SP5 Joel O'Brien
>1 y
From Amazon dot com's review of "Two Lives"... "In her new book, Reeve Lindbergh reflects on her own “Two Lives,” navigating her role as the public face of her family while, at the same time, leading a very quiet existence in rural Vermont. After devoting years to keeping separate her “Lindbergh life” and her everyday life on her farm, she now finds herself able to make peace with her two lives."
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