Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
Wow. The writer is out of touch with reality and did not do any research in the matter. .."the US Congress passed a law in 1995 called the Jerusalem Embassy Act which described Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and said it should not be divided. That law required the US embassy to be moved to Jerusalem by 1999. But this hasn't happened because every six months, successive presidents have signed a waiver to keep the US embassy in Tel Aviv for national security reasons." Trump did what should have been done a long time ago. So why are people just now crying about this? http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-12-07/what-have-past-presidents-said-about-israel-and-jerusalem/9234736

Trump was right — Obama did call Jerusalem the 'capital of Israel'
Donald Trump has reversed decades of US policy on the status of Jerusalem. But you might be surprised that Barack Obama once said similar things.
Sorry, I couldn't get past "right wing Jews". I am a pariah in my Jewish family and community for being conservative. I can't imagine that my life would be worth a plug nickel if I was "right wing". And the US has been trying to "keep the peace" in the Middle East by not moving our embassy to Jerusalem where it belongs. That didn't work so well did it? Now, one more time, peace only comes through strength, when you don't act like a target. Bullies, like predators, can smell the fear of their prey. At last, we are not acting like victims. Why else is Korea changing its tune? Why else is China starting to respect American business and intellectual property rights? Moving our embassy to Jerusalem will do more for peace than cowards can imagine
CMSgt (Join to see)
Concur. God forbid we disrupt the status quo that has seen conflict for 50 plus years.
SSgt Gary Andrews
Remains to be seen what the long term impact of this move will be. I'm struck by the words of our U.N. Ambassador about this move......basically saying that our move of the embassy will have no impact on the various religious groups in Jerusalem, or their ability to worship at their respective holy sites, and should therefore not be the cause of any violent reactions. So I'm wondering......if moving our embassy is basically a non-issue, and won't have an impact, then why did we make the move in the first place? And why did the Prime Minister push so hard for it? If this works out......that's fine. But if it only serves to throw gasoline on a fire that's been burning for centuries........seems like an unforced error to me. Every time we try to shape the politics of that region, all we seem to do is make matters worse......that's pretty much our record in that part of the world. Remember when we tried to prop us and support the Shah of Iran? That worked soooo well for us. We armed the Afghan resistance against the Russians, and then faced our own weapons being used against us a few years later. We backed Iraq against Iran, and then went to war with Iraq a few years later. We brokered a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, and got the Egyptian leader assassinated as a result of it. We always mean well......but the fact of the matter is that we don't understand the politics of the region, and they resent us pretending we do. This may have been one of those things that we should have left well enough alone.......time will tell.
CPT Jack Durish
SSgt Gary Andrews - It has an impact on Israel and its sense of legitimacy. Few nations in the world accept their existence and they hope that the US will lead others to accept the legitimacy in Jerusalem as the US led in accepting their status as a sovereign nation. As our best ally in the region, possibly the world, we owe them that act of friendship and support. Sadly, few understand the peoples of the Middle East and they keep trying to treat them as they would treat Europeans. They are not remotely European. They are not inheritors of Western Civilization. They are tribes who only stop bickering among themselves over the limited resources of the desert when they have an outside enemy to contend with. The Persians were the only civilization capable of ruling over the Arabs, but they lost their cache when they adopted Islam, albeit a greatly altered form of Islam that Arab Muslims abjured. (An insult still cast at Iraqis is "Do you still worship fire?" - an allusion to their roots in Zoroastrianism) Today, anyone who would reanimate the Caliphate must begin by uniting these Arab tribes, unifying them against a common enemy and Israel is the convenient candidate, and their ally, US.
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