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Responses: 3
SSgt Gary Andrews
When it comes to military drill teams, these guys have no equal. If you get a chance to see them live, it will literally give you goose bumps. OoooooRah!
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Great video share Chief, thank you.
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MSgt Gerald Orvis
I attended my first Evening Parade at MB 8th & I in 1969 when attending Marine Security Guard School (then at Henderson Hall) and several parades since then. In 1969, entering the Barracks grounds from 8th St was like walking onto a different planet because the area was still affected by the 1968 riots. While the parade shows no "trick drill" (except in the Silent Drill Platoon sequence), the "parade rest" position is straight out of the 19th c. drill manuals, and they have eliminated the Dismissal of Officers at the end, instead having all the troops just march off after the Pass in Review. What was fun for me was seeing well-drilled troops in full dress performing the parade. Of course, that's all the Marine Barracks ceremonial marchers do, so it's no wonder that they're very good. The Barracks and its various components have existed since 1801, and I have seen photos of Barracks Marines on dress parade from the Civil War. I consider the Friday night Evening Parade to be the best free (i.e., your tax dollars at work) event in DC in the summer. I highly recommend it, if you can get reservations.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks for sharing that. I went to one in 80/81 while stationed at Quantico. I can't remember if Pres. Reagan or VPOTUS Bush was there, but most of the Cabinet was and security was "enhanced". I went again while attending WOBC in 89. Both times were memorable and as you say, you can't argue about the price. A CPL dropped his weapon in this one, but it happens, and could have been far worse per this video. https://frontlinevideos.com/blogs/videos/what-happens-when-silent-platoon-drops-rifle-and-it-breaks
MSgt Gerald Orvis
MSgt Gerald Orvis
>1 y
It's unfortunate when one of the SDP drops a rifle, but they perform so much that it's bound to happen. I've seen several white covers knocked off (it's fun to watch the inspecting corporal pick it up and jam it back on the owner's head), but I've only seen the SDP drop one rifle, and it was particularly unfortunate because they were performing at Old Fort Henry in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. I would not have wanted to be that young Marine for anything. I often wonder what "extra instruction" is meted out when something like that happens.
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Same here upon graduating MSG we attended parade in 91. It was awesome. Still want to make one at Iwo Jima.
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MSgt Gerald Orvis I recall SDP at Belleau Wood in 2012 and young LCpl fell out, too much fun in Paris the night before...there was no empathy from his leadership. ACMC Dunford and other heavy hitters in attendance. I doubt many noticed though aside for Marines.
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