Posted on May 3, 2018
Army Guard Plans for Short-Notice Deployments, More Training Days
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 18
Sounds like the good idea fairy found a way to thin out the ranks and make retention an uphill battle on a mountain made of sand. I see unit personnel shortages and an eroding morale issue.
1SG Dennis Hicks
CW5 Jack Cardwell - I saw a few lose their business after 9/11m they i saw first hand the office temp attitude from AD towards RC and it would explain why recruiters are really reaching out to qualified prior service lately.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
It will be the incentive for the truly motivated who want to move up and be there when that short notice call comes. Some calls may be to see if they are anseering that call and getting their arse to to the Armory in a reasonable time, 1SG !
1SG Dennis Hicks
SSgt Boyd Herrst - Actually it will serve as an incentive for many to leave the ranks. Since 9/11 the Reserves and National guard have been used as office temps and back fill for the Active Service, This is a brutal description but very accurate. You can't expect part time help to lose their home, their jobs, their families to play their part in a failed experiment. During times of war this can work because it is a shared burden by the public and those who serve. I was a senior NCO with decades in uniform and I went into deep debt during my multiple call ups and "TRAINING" periods. I made far less in uniform than I did at my civy job even with other pays. I can't even fathom how lower enlisted made it work, not even considering those that owned their own business or those who got screwed regardless of USERRA protections. Folks lost marriages, businesses and assorted other tangible achievements to call out.
Just a quick look at enlistments and retention data shows you the ground truth, in a good economy it is hard enough to make numbers.
Yep a few thousand will step up, move forward and do their duty due to their own unique circumstances but you will have short fill units galore and the morale of the engineers aboard the titanic as it went under. A majority of those who serve in the Guard and Reserve do so to maintain their dedication to this nation, serve as part of something bigger than themselves and to taste their past the biter and the sweet. No offense to our female troops but you can only kick a troop in the nuts so many times before they tell you to GFY and pop smoke.
Just a quick look at enlistments and retention data shows you the ground truth, in a good economy it is hard enough to make numbers.
Yep a few thousand will step up, move forward and do their duty due to their own unique circumstances but you will have short fill units galore and the morale of the engineers aboard the titanic as it went under. A majority of those who serve in the Guard and Reserve do so to maintain their dedication to this nation, serve as part of something bigger than themselves and to taste their past the biter and the sweet. No offense to our female troops but you can only kick a troop in the nuts so many times before they tell you to GFY and pop smoke.
It's going to a crap show. A lot of people are gonna be "re-hired" only to be let go when they get back to their civilian jobs. I feel bad for the families who are going to wonder how they will manage without the extra person and day-to-day support while their spouse is downrange.
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