Posted on May 3, 2018
GOP Senate Candidate Says Military Service Is Inherently Conservative
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 26
Just another ignorant republican who is playing to the extreme right wing base, who believe that if you don't interpret the Constitution exactly as they do, that your belief is unconstitutional.
MAJ (Join to see)
MAJ James Woods - No you somehow cannot comprehend the basis of inalienable rights being endowed by the creator not constitution. I understand your confusion as the 1780's version of Democrats didn't understand it either and hence continued the practice of slavery. My hopes that one day you will comprehend liberty and try not to restrict the rights of other's. Thankfully the Law of the land does list the 2nd Amendment as an inalienable right as the necessity of a free state the people need to be armed. Primarily to prevent their own government from imposing despotism on its people.
These rights are not subject to interpretation, they are subject to amendment based on 2/3'rds of the congress and/or 3/4's of the states. If you are not willing to compromise on your right to a fair trial don't expect me to compromise on my ability to defend my family.
These rights are not subject to interpretation, they are subject to amendment based on 2/3'rds of the congress and/or 3/4's of the states. If you are not willing to compromise on your right to a fair trial don't expect me to compromise on my ability to defend my family.
MAJ James Woods
You mean "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" defined by Christian Founders as an example of human inalienable rights that should be protected by the government. The 18th Century Christian Founders that deemed certain human beings were not entitled to those same rights. Yeah I'm familiar with the hypocrisy.
I'm not a Democrat and I'm not a Republican but I am someone who understands that the Bill of Rights are not unalienable rights endowed by the creator.
Perhaps one day you'll understand the difference between religion and government and why the Founders incorporated separation of church and state so individuals like you don't call the 2nd Amendment or any other amendment an unalienable right.
I'm not a Democrat and I'm not a Republican but I am someone who understands that the Bill of Rights are not unalienable rights endowed by the creator.
Perhaps one day you'll understand the difference between religion and government and why the Founders incorporated separation of church and state so individuals like you don't call the 2nd Amendment or any other amendment an unalienable right.
MAJ (Join to see)
Not protected by the Government, shall not be infringed upon by the government.
The Government didn't give you those rights, the Government took them away. Don't look for a political party to grant them they need to be demanded by the people. Governments take rights they do not grant them.
The Government didn't give you those rights, the Government took them away. Don't look for a political party to grant them they need to be demanded by the people. Governments take rights they do not grant them.
SSG Edward Tilton
MAJ (Join to see) - Onward Christian Soldiers and everyone else flee for your lives
"Democrat Party has wholesale rejected the Constitution and the values that it was founded upon"."
Absolute bullshit!!!!
And I am damned tired of hearing that crap.
Absolute bullshit!!!!
And I am damned tired of hearing that crap.
SPC Erich Guenther
MSG Stan Hutchison - The GOP Candidate your all slamming in this Forum. He has only been a Republican since his time in the Marines before that he was in the College Democrats and worked for the Democratic Party as an activist.
MSG Stan Hutchison
SPC Erich Guenther - I do not care who he is, or what he used to be. His comments are WRONG!
I believe most soldiers dont give a shit about either party. They just love what America stands for.
SSG Warren Swan
And this statement is exactly why the military should be apolitical in uniform. Don't take away your beliefs nor throw them away, but maintain we're one body not a series of fractions that cannot work as one due to politics.
MAJ Byron Oyler
SSG Warren Swan - I agree with you 100% and I try to make it where the soldiers I lead have no idea what my political or religions beliefs stand. I am an officer and a nurse and must work with people I may not agree with such as the Taliban in 2006. All that being said, we are human just like everyone else and can realize who takes care of us. Go all the way back to 1933, President Roosevelt was a savior to many with his New Deal policies. We got out of the Great Depression, people got jobs, and many social programs to this day remain from him. We needed him domestically just like Clinton and Obama did some good things at home. Roosevelt had one of the smallest standing militaries and by his death, we had over 450,000 dead from a war where he failed to put pressure on Hitler and Tojo. Truman then dropped our military from 15mil to 1mil and in 1950 we saw Korea break out. We absolutely should be apolitical in uniform however I cannot ignore history or being human and look at which party is the best for my longevity and happiness in my current job.
MAJ James Woods
SSG Warren Swan - Agreed which is why we have regulations stating servicemembers will not assume a political stance while in uniform. Unfortunately it feels like every Colonel and GO do become a political tool used as an extension of politics while in uniform especially when assigned to D.C., Alexandria VA, COCOMs, etc.
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