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Responses: 2
Cpl Mark A. Morris
A very long article Sir.
I am confident, those that do the work of investigating and attacking the enemy, requardless if which enemy of our country, are doing a great job by working together and respecting different agencies.
It appears, the leadership in some agencies are still sitting on information in hopes of moving an agenda. The Boston Marathon, Manchester bombing and the Florida shool shooter Cruz are three examples.
A second bomb in the Boston Marathon was placed by a young toe headed boy by individuals the Russians had warned us about. That is tribal warfare.
In Manchester, the warrior for the one true god of the Kabba targeted so called innocence to us. But, to a follower of Muhammad, they can not be innocent as they are not part of the Sunni Ummah.
Cruz was a known threat. Why allow him to move forward? Destroy the second Amendment?
Sir, allowing enemies of our country into our country moves an agenda forward. Government has to grow and we lose some personal privacies. Controlling what information is sent out, controls the narrative.
I read nothing in the article that touched base on understanding the threat. Just how to block against a future threat. The article did not address understanding the threat of leadership not moving information forward, or understanding the enemy. How can we train to fight a enemy if we group all enemies together as equal? We are fooling are self's and being PC.
Have a great day Sir.
LTC Eric Udouj
LTC Eric Udouj
>1 y
Our grouping all enemies as equal and as the threat -- got us to where we are now. In trouble and not understanding why. I agree Mark.... when was the last time there was an all out call of those that are studying the enemy and had a 3 day session to actually build the blocks together. Maybe 2008....
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
>1 y
The article is very well written. Also, like several pat's on the back. Why did you not call them out on their pie in the sky review?
Is it the Gentleman thing to do? Do most really know the true truth? But, the narrative must remain intact?
Regards LTC.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Katrina is another example of inter agency failures and underdeveloped SOPs for such a disaster.
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