Responses: 9
Nope, hate crime has risen for the last two years according to this article by Reuters. . It did not start after Trump was elected and hate crime was was increasing the last year of Obama’s Presidency. While hate crimes against Muslims have increased there are twice as many hate crimes against Jews. If you didn’t notice one of Trump’s daughters is married to a Jew. And lastly but most important correlation is not the same as cause. Did you know the more Baptist Church’s a town has the greater the alcohol consumption? The cause is population increase. There are an increase in hate crimes during election years. 21% increase n hate crimes when Obama was elected. What a BS headline by the compost.
1SG Dennis Hicks
Sir the loons always look to blame folks they hate with that burning passion they have, between the nut jobs and the Liberals committing these crimes you have to wonder if they all project their inner demons constantly.
SSgt Ray Stone
What does alcohol have to do with hate crimes?
In a call with reporters Wednesday, Beirich said that the overall number of hate groups as defined by SPLC had increased 4% from 2016 to 2017, to a total of 954. The number of Neo-Nazi groups grew from 99 to 121; anti-Muslim groups from 101 to 114; and anti-immigrant groups from 14 to 22.While black nationalist hate groups as defined by SPLC are usually “fringe groups with no connection to political power,” Beirich said white nationalists have been emboldened by their connection to Trump administration figures who have expressed sympathy for their causes. “Trump has brought them into the political system in a way that hasn’t happened in decades,” Beirich said.
In a call with reporters Wednesday, Beirich said that the overall number of hate groups as defined by SPLC had increased 4% from 2016 to 2017, to a total of 954. The number of Neo-Nazi groups grew from 99 to 121; anti-Muslim groups from 101 to 114; and anti-immigrant groups from 14 to 22.While black nationalist hate groups as defined by SPLC are usually “fringe groups with no connection to political power,” Beirich said white nationalists have been emboldened by their connection to Trump administration figures who have expressed sympathy for their causes. “Trump has brought them into the political system in a way that hasn’t happened in decades,” Beirich said.
LTC David Brown
SSgt Ray Stone - The reason I mentioned alcohol was because I was pointing out that correlation does NOT imply cause. Baptists don’t drink. So one could infer the more Baptists the greater the consumption of alcohol, but the actual driving force for more Baptist Church’s and greater alcohol consumption is population. This was given to me by my Graduate school statistics teacher. Hate crimes went up 21% when Obama was elected. The SPLC is a joke. What connection to the Trump administration? Trump has an office of coordination with hate groups? Probably the same folks that collided with the Russians. Again is there any proof the increase is related to Trump or are there other causes? We had an increase in hate crimes under Obama, was that caused by Obama having associations with groups like ACORN? If we can use correlation to condemn Trump we can use it to condemn Obama. Perhaps the SPLC needs to relook at their data. It seems this study indicates hate groups have stopped increasing.
Number of Hate Groups Has Stalled While Hate Incidents Have Increased
A new analysis by David Cunningham, a professor of sociology at Washington University in St. Louis, finds that the growth of hate groups in the United States has slowed since the inauguration of Do…
LTC David Brown
SSgt Ray Stone - and if you don’t think the SPLC is a joke here is a Bloomberg column that calls out the SPLC and their hate group designation.
Southern Poverty Law Center Gets Creative to Label 'Hate Groups'
Principled conservatives are lumped together with bigots.
You can take statistics and make them read whatever you want. I heard one time that 1458 of all statistics are made up on the spot. The only thing about the article I like is the fact that it reports hate crimes from all races. There are hate crimes in the midwest against Native Americans, hate crimes all over...whites on blacks, blacks on whites, against Muslims or other religous groups, religous groups against other religous groups etc...the fact that when Trump took office this increased is bovine excrement. In the last several years we have placed more emphasis on combatting hate crimes that is why there are more reported than have been in the past.
Of course they're "unclear" as to why. Allow me to help. The narrative pushed by the media is that Republicans are the haters and the friends of haters. Inasmuch as the GOP took control of the federal and most state governments in the past election, haters are coming out of the weeds. It matters not that it's not true.
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