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Responses: 19
LTC Owner
The argument that the A10 isn't a good match for a MIG is valid, but wouldn't the F15 and F16 be providing cover for the A10s while deployed? I have heard that the main Air Force complaint with the A10 is that it is an ugly aircraft, not a sexy ride like the fast moving F15/16.

From a ground guy's perspective I really don't care about the aesthetics of the tool used, I want to know that when we call for support we get the best tool for the target/threat. Thus far, I haven't seen anything better that the A10 for providing close air support to ground troops.

If the Air Force doesn't want to drive these slow and ugly airplanes, be adult about it, let the Army or the Marines have them. We know their value and understand how to deploy them.
Cpl Tom Surdi
Cpl Tom Surdi
>1 y
Of course it isn't, it was never designed for air to air combat. It's a tank buster, close air support platform. It's slow sure, but it turns on a dime and can take a pounding and keep on going. I'll take the Warthog over any air ship any day of the week.
LTC Owner
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Cpl Tom Surdi - The article discussed the air force concern about air to air battle; While the Air Force does not dispute that the A-10 is its most capable close air support machine, the service does contend that the Warthog will not be able to deliver those effects inside highly contested airspace.
MSgt John Taylor
MSgt John Taylor
>1 y
Marines don't want them either! They fly a multi role fighters so that they get more bang for the buck, which is exactly what the USAF wants. Ask Army aviation if they want to share their budget with an A-10 force? Ask an Apache pilot how much runway he needs, did they bring enough fuel?
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Sgt John Steinmeier
Edited >1 y ago
The Air Force has gone through a couple stages in it's short history. At the onset it was run by the bomber guys due to Lemay and bombers reigned supreme. Then came the fighter pilots in all their glory and fighters reigned supreme. The only guys really doing anything now (outside of the bombers again, but not in a strategic role as before) are the CAS guys in A-10s. They will be next to run the Air Force.
MSgt George Cater
MSgt George Cater
>1 y
God, I hope so.
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LTC Self Employed
Those generals against the A-10 will have to retire someday and some younger generals will think differently. I think the big shift will be when they find out how poorly the F-35 does in a real Combat situation when Forward Air controllers or special forces are pinned down in a bad weather situation and the other planes can't come in because it's too risky and the F-35 is mothballed at Davis-Monthan Airport period when men die and the F-35 runs out of ammunition, ordinance and can't do its job, then you will see the Army care about the A-10 Warthog!
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Correction, when the A-10 Warthog is mothballed at Davis-Monthan not the F-35.
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