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Responses: 4
CPL Dave Hoover
Why are the same people who said that it was Bill's personal busy (in the Oval Office), now are concerned about Donald before hand. Condemn Bill, then I'll consider listening about Donald.
CPL Dave Hoover
CPL Dave Hoover
>1 y
I don't disagree with you at all, people in this area have double standards. I don't condone either, that was my point. Have not seen you much lately dear sister, good to see you again.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
That sword cuts both ways... Why are all the people who were up in arms about Bill getting a BJ, to the point of impeachment, so dismissive of Donnie's abhorrent record of fillandering? Of course, one side stands tall on their alleged moral superiority and evangelical Christianity, but apparently they don't apply the same standards for everyone.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
The biggest concern is if he used campaign money to pay her off. Most people don't care he had an affair. FFS it is pretty common knowledge he's an adulterer. No one cares about that part it's the hush money part.
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CSM Charles Hayden
Capt Dwayne Conyers A buck is a buck, especially if it is under the table and non-taxable!

My question would be: “whose buck”?
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1SG Infantryman
I think she is just looking for another payday. Zero credibility. She gets payed to have sex and does not like what she sold the last event for. Stormy, you are not a worthy news story. What you did nearly 11 years ago matters not to me. I could care less about Trumps sexual escapades, I could care less if he denied it and it becomes fact. He is married and probably does not want the world in his bedroom. You chose to make your livelihood by inviting people into yours.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
1SG Tim Boyd:

Except she hasn't taken any money from anyone for interviews and in fact her lawsuit had no monetary amount attached to it. So what if she gets paid to have sex? So what if she's a porn start that makes her less credible?

It's not about the affair it's about did he use campaign money to shut her up? That is illegal and that is a problem.

He doesn't want the world in his bedroom? Do you realize that he was a reality TV star before he did this? He invites the world into his life constantly. Also don't become a public figure if you don't want the world in your life - especially don't be President. He chose to make his livelihood before this not much different than hers. He has whored himself out.

She also isn't inviting people into her bedroom by being a porn star. She is in a make believe world when she does porn. Porn is not real - if you think it's real perhaps you should see behavioral health assistance.
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