Responses: 8
If a person commits suicide, with a gun, is the gun manufacturer or sales outlet eligible for the death penalty? Even the opioid epidemic is widespread and results in many deaths, it is a consentually used drug. Doubt it will pass Constitutional muster. As with past War on Drugs, this will not succeed. The question remains, do we deny those with excruciating pain relief because of addiction?
MCPO Roger Collins
Our local VA hospital is trying to cut back on opioids by using other methods of pain control. You wouldn’t believe the hate mail.
MCPO Roger Collins
I expect if we stick to topics other than politics and race, you would find there is a lot we agree on.
SSG Warren Swan
MCPO Roger Collins - that is the truth. So are you ready to officially declare the Navy owns the USMC too?
Much like the "three strikes" law, many law enforcement do not like "mandatory" sentences, especially the death sentence. If the offender has nothing to lose, they may decide to take a few cops with them.
Also, like the old "just say no" idea, this will not stop the use of drugs.
Also, like the old "just say no" idea, this will not stop the use of drugs.
SSG Warren Swan
My issues with the death penalty is that someone could be convicted of it, and outlive everyone on this site while they make their legal appeals. Due process is a bitch sometimes. My next issue with the death penalty is who is on death row usually....minorities and the poor (regardless of race). Scott Peterson is still on D.R. and will be there for a long time unless he gets commuted to life. My last is my biggest issue with the D.P......when a man or woman is innocent and executed anyways. Those care "no-return incidents" and those involved never seem to be held accountable for what they did or didn't do.
After all that, I'm still for the death penalty.
I was rather pissed when Bubba thought that "three strikes" crap up. All it turned out to be was a money maker for for-profit prisons, made one hell of a backlog for the courts, and made it extremely easy to get a life sentance after your first two offenses. That isn't right in all cases. That law was/IS wrong, but it is what it is.
After all that, I'm still for the death penalty.
I was rather pissed when Bubba thought that "three strikes" crap up. All it turned out to be was a money maker for for-profit prisons, made one hell of a backlog for the courts, and made it extremely easy to get a life sentance after your first two offenses. That isn't right in all cases. That law was/IS wrong, but it is what it is.
Pizza Thief Receives Sentence of 25 Years to Life in Prison : Crime: Judge cites five prior...
Jerry Dewayne Williams was sentenced to prison for 25 years to life Thursday under the state's "three strikes" law for stealing a slice of pepperoni pizza.The 27-year-old Williams sat silent as...
The justice department would have a say in the constitutionality of this...
SPC James Harsh
I think Sessions is wrong and wouldn't miss him because of his stance on weed, seriously get rid of him he is an impediment
SSG Warren Swan
Capt Dwayne Conyers - Since when has that mattered? The law is only applicable to us "commoners". If they truly enforced what they preached, Lord help Big Pharma and every legislator in office now. They'd all be doing some hard time or are on death row.
SSG Warren Swan
SPC James Harsh - Note who originally said weed was a bad thing even though there have been studies since the 60's to show there is some good to it. Hell LSD was found to have valid medicinal purposes. Now if those were federally legalized, Big Pharma can't make profits or govern who gets it where and under what circumstances. Sessions would be helping Big Pharmas bottom line while spreading "Alt-facts" that it's the Cartels brining it all in. We can grow better and more potent strains of weed than the skunk weed the cartels are bringing across the border.
War only benefits one group of businesses, but they hide it in "patriotism". Mention terrorist, ISIS, ISIL, Syria, Islam, and you suddenly have a monetary windfall for the major defense contractors. You'll have entire news cycles dedicated to it.
War only benefits one group of businesses, but they hide it in "patriotism". Mention terrorist, ISIS, ISIL, Syria, Islam, and you suddenly have a monetary windfall for the major defense contractors. You'll have entire news cycles dedicated to it.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Yes, SSG Warren Swan… the lower socioeconomic classes get scrooed. Yes, a uniform excuses what a civilian would be prosecuted for. But right is still right and wrong is still wrong. God will sort it all out in the end.
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